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Version: 14.0

Insights Dashboards

An Insights dashboard displays essential information about a specific object in your organisation, and has a quick access area for key features.

Insights Dashboard vs. Notebook

An Insights dashboard summarizes the most important information about an object, such as aggregated data, information about referenced objects with charts etc. This information is presented in an easily understandable and visually appealing way. The Notebook, on the other hand, is a dedicated tool for editing and reading master data and contains no graphics. The Notebook is for data management, while an Insights dashboard is for reading and analysis.

Types of Insights Dashboards

The availability of Insights dashboards depends on the application library. In the ArchiMate Application Library, Insights dashboards are available for every type of repository object. All dashboards contain the same set of default widgets that provide the user with summary data about the object. Some dashboards also have additional widgets.

In the ADOIT Standard Application Library, the following Insights dashboards are available:

Open Insights Dashboard

To open an Insights dashboard:

  • Right-click the object, point to Open, and then click Insights .

You can open an Insights dashboard this way using e.g. the Explorer or the graphical editor as a starting point. Additionally, it is possible to open an Insights dashboard directly from the Notebook by clicking the Insights button .

Edit Attributes

To edit the attributes of the object that is open in the Insights dashboard:

  • ArchiMate Application Library: Click the More button at the top right corner of the Insights dashboard, and then click Properties   .

  • ADOIT Standard Application Library: Click the object type icon at the top left corner of the Insights dashboard.

The Notebook opens. If you have write access, you can edit the attributes.

Open in ADONIS

If an object was imported from ADONIS into ADOIT via the BOC Management Office Integration (MOI) interface, you can directly jump to the original object. To open the object in ADONIS:

  • Click the ADONIS button at the top of the Insights dashboard.

ADONIS opens in a new browser tab.

Show/Hide Empty Sections

By default, all areas of an Insights dashboard for which no data is available are hidden. To show or hide empty sections:

  • ArchiMate Application Library: Click the More button at the top right corner of the Insight:s dashboard, and then click Show empty sections.

  • ADOIT Standard Application Library: Click the Show empty sections button at the top right corner of the Insights dashboard.

Navigate in an Insights Dashboard

Use the quick links at the top left of the Insights dashboard to jump to the section you want to see:

 Navigate in an Insights Dashboard

  • Each link represents a category in the dashboard.

  • Choose a category first, and then select the widget you want from the drop-down menu.

  • If the category only holds one widget, the name of the widget is shown instead of the category name.

Available Functions

Across all widgets (= small program windows) of the various Insights dashboards the following functions are available:

  • Show a tooltip with information about the widget (icon )

  • Export the content of a widget as a PDF file or Excel file (XLSX format) (icon )

  • Refresh a widget to get the latest data (icon )

  • Filter data in columns to show the elements you want and hide the rest:

    • Show or hide filters (icon )

    • Clear all filters (icon )

  • Show or hide columns (icon )

Users of the ArchiMate Application Library click the More button to access these functions. Users of the ADOIT Standard Application Library find the same or similar functions in the menu bar or click the column headers.

Default Widgets for all Dashboards [ArchiMate Library]

Regardless of which object you choose, an Insights dashboard will always contain the default widgets, which are described in detail below.


Some dashboards also have additional widgets. See the sections about Application Components , Capabilities, Business Objects , System Software elements, Plateaus and Business Processes to find out more.


The header is the area along the top of the dashboard.

 Insights Dashboard — Header

The following information is displayed here:

  • the name of the object

  • the Date of last change

  • the Last editor

  • an assessment of the Data actuality:

    • Green icon stands for 'data is up-to-date'

    • Yellow icon stands for 'data actuality has not been confirmed for 100 days'

    • Red icon stands for 'data actuality has not been confirmed for 200 days'

    Click this icon to confirm the data actuality.


The global thresholds for assessment of data actuality (number of days after which an object is marked 'yellow' or 'red') can be set in the Administration Toolkit.

  • the Description of the object

  • tags for all Grouping elements that aggregate this object


The tag colour can be set via the Tag colour attribute of the Groupings.

Additionally, you can edit the attributes of the object that is open in the Insights dashboard and show or hide empty sections .

Involved Users and Business Actors

This table lists all Users and Business Actors which are involved with the currently viewed element.

 Insights Dashboard — Involved Users and Business Actors

The following paths are evaluated:

  • Element > Responsible business actors > User or Business Actor

  • Element > Accountable business actors > User or Business Actor

  • Element > Consulted business actors > User or Business Actor

  • Element > Informed business actors > User or Business Actor

The table shows the following information:

  • the responsibilities of the User or Business Actor for the element according to a RACI matrix

  • for Business Actors only, the Business Roles and Stakeholders they are assigned to

Relationships Network

This network diagram shows the currently viewed element and all related elements.

 Insights Dashboard — Relationships Network

The following paths are evaluated:

  • Element > any ArchiMate relationship > 'To' element

  • Element < any ArchiMate relationship < 'From' element

The centre node is the currently viewed element, while the nodes around it represent related elements grouped by type. Click on such a node to show the individual elements.

Relationships Details

This table provides an overview of all related elements of the currently viewed element.

 Insights Dashboard — Relationships Details

The following paths are evaluated:

  • Element > any ArchiMate relationship > 'To' element

  • Element < any ArchiMate relationship < 'From' element

The direction of the relationship is indicated in the first column. Arrows to the left represent incoming relations, and arrows to the right outgoing relations. To display the type of the relationship, move the mouse pointer over the arrow.

In the Affiliation column, you can see all Users and Business Actors which are involved with the listed element according to a RACI matrix.

In the Grouping column, tags for all Grouping elements that aggregate the listed element are shown. The tag colour can be set via the Tag colour attribute of the Groupings.


This timeline shows the lifecycle of the currently viewed element.

 Insights Dashboard — Timeline

You can see at a glance:

  • When the implementation of the element starts [Application Components & System Software elements only]

  • When the element becomes productive (valid from)

  • When the element is decommissioned (valid until)

Associated Models

This table shows all models that are associated with the currently viewed element.

 Insights Dashboard — Associated Models

The following path is evaluated:

  • Element > Associated models > Model

The table shows the following information:

  • the Last editor

  • the Date of last change

In the Grouping column, tags for all Grouping elements that aggregate the listed model are shown. The tag colour can be set via the Tag colour attribute of the Groupings.

Usage in Models

This table shows all models that contain the currently viewed element.

 Insights Dashboard — Usage in Models

The table shows the following information:

  • the Last editor

  • the Date of last change

In the Grouping column, tags for all Grouping elements that aggregate the listed model are shown. The tag colour can be set via the Tag colour attribute of the Groupings.

Quick Access

The quick access area allows you to further explore details you are interested in.

 Insights Dashboard — Quick Access

You can perform the following actions:

  • Analyse Dependencies

    Analyse and visualise dependencies between objects across multiple layers.

  • Validation

    Verify compliance with various guidelines and best practices.

  • Object report

    Create a report with all important information about the Organisational Unit.

  • Interface Report [Application Components only]

    Visualise the interfaces of an application.

Additional Widgets for Application Components [ArchiMate Library]

The Insights Dashboard for Application Components contains all default widgets and some additional widgets, which are described in detail below.

Surrounding Application Components

This widget shows surrounding Application Components that use or provide Application Interfaces to the Application Component currently being viewed.

 Insights Dashboard — Surrounding Application Components

The following paths are evaluated:

  • Application Component > Composed of > Application Interface > Serves > Application Component

  • Application Component < Served by < Application Interface < Part of < Application Component

Each node represents an Application Component. The centre node is the Application Component you are interested in. The Application Interfaces connecting the Application Components are shown as branches, with the provided interfaces (Composition) to the left and the used interfaces (Serving) to the right.

The following options are available:

  • Click a node title to open the Notebook of the object.

Surrounding Application Components Details

This table lists the provided and used Application Interfaces of the Application Component and the surrounding Application Components that use or provide these Application Interfaces.

 Insights Dashboard — Surrounding Application Components Details

The following paths are evaluated:

  • Application Component > Composed of > Application Interface > Serves > Application Component

  • Application Component < Served by < Application Interface < Part of < Application Component

Application Component Score

This gauge chart shows the current value of the following attributes of the Application Component (one gauge for each attribute):

 Insights Dashboard — Application Component Score

  • Strategic importance

  • Business fit

  • IT fit

  • Cost fit

  • Business continuity fit

  • Security fit

Redundancy Analysis

This table helps you detect redundant Application Components. It lists all other Application Components that realise the same Application Services or Capabilities. In addition, you can see whether there is need for action with regard to the listed Application Components.

 Insights Dashboard — Redundancy Analysis

The following paths are evaluated:

  • Application Component > Realizes > Application Service < Realized by < Application Component

  • Application Component > Realizes > Capability < Realized by < Application Component

Lifecycle State & Investment Strategy

This widget shows the current value of the following attributes of the Application Component:

 Insights Dashboard — Lifecycle State &amp; Investment Strategy

  • Lifecycle State

  • Investment strategy

Replaced by

For all Application Components which replace the current Application Component, this table lists the following attributes:

 Insights Dashboard — Replaced by

  • Investment Strategy

  • Valid From

  • Valid Until

  • Responsible business actors

Data Flow via Application Interfaces

This network diagram shows the information flow between Application Components.

 Insights Dashboard — Data Flow via Application Interfaces

The following paths are evaluated:

  • Application Component > Composed of > Application Interface > Accesses > Business Object or Data Object

  • Application Component < Served by < Application Interface > Accesses > Business Object or Data Object

Business Objects, Data Objects and Application Components are represented as nodes. The arrow direction indicates whether the Application Component is using (incoming arrow) or providing (outgoing arrow) an Application Interface.


The "Revenue Accounting System (RAC)" application uses an interface of the "Bank Equity System (BEQ)" application through which the data "Share" flows. That means: The "Share" data flows from the "Bank Equity System (BEQ)" application to the "Revenue Accounting System (RAC)" application.

The following options are available:

  • Drag a node to where you want it.

  • Click a node to only show directly connected objects.

  • Double-click a node to open the Notebook of the object.

Data Flow Overview

For all Business Objects or Data Objects which are associated with the Application Component through Application Interfaces, this table shows the current value of the following attributes:

 Insights Dashboard — Data Flow Overview

  •   Responsible business actors

  • Confidentiality

  • Integrity

  • Availability

The following paths are evaluated:

  • Application Component > Composed of > Application Interface > Accesses > Business Object or Data Object

  • Application Component < Served by < Application Interface > Accesses > Business Object or Data Object

Technology Roadmap Status

The pie chart in this widget shows you at a glance the current roadmap status of the System Software elements used by this Application Component (attribute Standards lifecycle in the Notebook chapter "Lifecycle").

 Insights Dashboard — Technology Roadmap Status

The following path is evaluated:

  • Application Component < Served by < System Software

By clicking a segment of the pie, you can highlight the corresponding System Software elements in the Serving System Software Elements list.

Serving System Software Elements

The table comprises all System Software elements which are used by the Application Component, and lists their attribute Standards lifecycle.

 Insights Dashboard — Serving System Software Elements

The following path is evaluated:

  • Application Component < Served by < System Software

Additional Widgets for Capabilities [ArchiMate Library]

The Insights Dashboard for Capabilities contains all default widgets and some additional widgets, which are described in detail below.

Capability Score

This gauge chart shows the current value of the following attributes of the Capability (one gauge for each attribute):

 Insights Dashboard — Capability Score

  • Strategic importance

  • IT support

  • Business fit

  • Process fit

  • Information fit

  • Technological fit

  • Cost fit

  • Organisational fit

Process Assessment

For all Business Processes which realise the Capability, this radar chart shows the current value of the following attributes:

 Insights Dashboard — Process Assessment

  • Strategic importance

  • Cost efficiency

  • Cycle time

  • Quality

  • Customer satisfaction

  • IT support

  • Compliance

The following path is evaluated:

  • Capability < Realized by < Business Process

Process Assessment Details

For all Business Processes which realise the Capability, this table lists the following attributes:

 Insights Dashboard — Process Assessment Details

  • Strategic importance

  • Cost efficiency

  • Cycle time

  • Quality

  • Customer satisfaction

  • IT support

  • Compliance

The following path is evaluated:

  • Capability < Realized by < Business Process

Application Lifecycle State

The pie chart in this widget shows you at a glance the current Lifecycle state of the Application Components which realise the Capability.

 Insights Dashboard — Application Lifecycle State

The following path is evaluated:

  • Capability < Realized by < Application Component

By clicking a segment of the pie, you can highlight the corresponding Application Components in the Application Lifecycle State table.

Application Lifecycle Details

The table comprises all Application Components which realise the Capability, and lists their attribute Lifecycle state.

 Insights Dashboard — Application Lifecycle Details

The following path is evaluated:

  • Capability < Realized by < Application Component

Application Fitness

For all Application Components which realise the Capability, this radar chart shows the current value of the following attributes:

 Insights Dashboard — Application Fitness

  • Business fit

  • IT fit

  • Cost fit

  • Business continuity fit

  • Security fit

The following path is evaluated:

  • Capability < Realized by < Application Component

Required Business Objects

This table lists all Business Objects which realise the Capability.

 Insights Dashboard — Required Business Objects

The following path is evaluated:

  • Capability < Realized by < Business Object

All in all, the following attributes are listed for each Business Object:

  •   Responsible business actors

  • Confidentiality

  • Integrity

  • Availability


This bar chart displays the budgets of all Work Packages (projects) which realise the Business Capability.

 Insights Dashboard — Budget

The following path is evaluated:

  • Capability < Realized by < Work Package (attribute Specialisation = Project)

Work Packages

This table lists all Work Packages (projects) which realise the Capability.

 Insights Dashboard — Work Packages

The following path is evaluated:

  • Capability < Realized by < Work Package (attribute Specialisation = Project)

All in all, the following attributes are listed for each Work Package:

  • Specialisation

  • Risk

  • Priority

  • Budget

Additional Widgets for Business Objects [ArchiMate Library]

The Insights Dashboard for Business Objects contains all default widgets and some additional widgets, which are described in detail below.

Data Flow via Application Interfaces

This network diagram shows the information flow between Application Components.

 Insights Dashboard — Data Flow via Application Interfaces

The following paths are evaluated:

  • Business Object < Accessed by < Application Interface < Part of < Application Component

  • Business Object < Accessed by < Application Interface > Serves > Application Component

Business Objects and Application Components are represented as nodes. The Application Interfaces connecting the nodes are shown as branches. The arrow direction indicates whether the Application Component is using (incoming arrow) or providing (outgoing arrow) an Application Interface.


The "Revenue Accounting System (RAC)" application uses an interface of the "Bank Equity System (BEQ)" application through which the data "Share" flows. That means: The "Share" data flows from the "Bank Equity System (BEQ)" application to the "Revenue Accounting System (RAC)" application.

The following options are available:

  • Drag a node to where you want it.

  • Click a node to only show directly connected objects.

  • Double-click a node to open the Notebook of the object.

Data Usage

For all Application Components which access the Business Object, this table shows whether they read, write or read & write the Business Object. The attribute Access type of the relation Access is evaluated for this purpose.

 Insights Dashboard — Data Usage

The following path is evaluated:

  • Application Component > Accesses > Business Object

In addition, you can see whether an Application Component is considered as Master of the Business Object. If the Application Component can write data without being the Master of the Business Object, an exclamation mark is displayed in the Violation column.

Security Requirements

This gauge chart shows the current value of the following attributes of the Business Object (one gauge for each attribute):

 Insights Dashboard — Security Requirements

  • Confidentiality

  • Integrity

  • Availability

Score of Application Components

For all Application Components which access the Business Object, this radar chart shows the current value of the following attributes:

 Insights Dashboard — Score of Application Components

  • Business fit

  • IT fit

  • Cost fit

  • Business continuity fit

  • Security fit

The following path is evaluated:

  • Application Component > Accesses > Business Object

Application Components Details

For all Application Components which access the Business Object, this table lists the following attributes:

 Insights Dashboard — Application Components Details

  • Responsible business actors

  • Business fit

  • IT fit

  • Cost fit

  • Business continuity fit

  • Security fit

The following path is evaluated:

  • Application Component > Accesses > Business Object

Additional Widgets for System Software Elements [ArchiMate Library]

The Insights Dashboard for System Software elements contains all default widgets and some additional widgets, which are described in detail below.

Technology Usage

This widget lists all other System Software elements that are used by the System Software currently being viewed.

 Insights Dashboard — Technology Usage

The following path is evaluated:

  • System Software > Realizes or Serves > System Software

All in all, the following attributes are listed for each System Software:

  • Lifecycle state

  • Investment strategy

  • Responsible business actors


This table helps you detect alternative System Software elements. It lists all other System Software elements in the same Category.

 Insights Dashboard — Alternatives

The following path is evaluated:

  • System Software (= starting point)> Specialized from >System Software (attribute Specialisation = Category) <Specialized by < System Software (= listed alternative technologies)

"Oracle", "SQL Server" and "DB2" can be classified as tools in the "Databases" category.

 Alternatives - Example

If you look at the Insights dashboard of the "Oracle" System Software, "SQL Server" and "DB2" appear as alternative technologies.

All in all, the following attributes are listed for each System Software:

  • Category

  • Action required

  • Investment strategy

  • Valid from

  • Valid until

  • Responsible business actors

In the last column, you can see the Assigned applications for each alternative System Software element. The following path is evaluated:

  • System Software (= listed alternative technologies)> Serves> Application Component (= assigned applications)

Standards Lifecycle & Investment Strategy

This widget shows the current value of the following attributes of the System Software:

 Insights Dashboard — Standards Lifecycle &amp; Investment Strategy

  • Standards lifecycle

  • Investment strategy

Replaced by

For all System Software elements which replace the current System Software, this table lists the following attributes:

 Insights Dashboard — Replaced by

  • Investment strategy

  • Valid from

  • Valid until

  • Responsible business actors

Additional Widgets for Plateaus [ArchiMate Library]

The Insights Dashboard for Plateaus contains all default widgets and some additional widgets, which are described in detail below.

Surrounding Plateaus

This widget shows surrounding Plateaus that trigger or are triggered by the Plateau currently being viewed.

 Insights Dashboard — Surrounding Plateaus

The following paths are evaluated:

  • Plateau > Triggers > Plateau

  • Plateau < Triggered by < Plateau

Each node represents a Plateau. The centre node is the Plateau you are interested in. The triggering Plateaus are placed to the left and the triggered Plateaus are placed to the right.

Related Architecture Elements

This table lists all Application Components, Application Interfaces, Application Services, Business Objects and Data Objects which are realised by the currently viewed Plateau. All listed related elements are grouped based on the values of the Specialization attribute of the Realizes relation.

 Insights Dashboard — Related Architecture Elements

Status and Confidence

This gauge chart shows the current value of the following attributes of the Plateau (one gauge for each attribute):

 Insights Dashboard — Status and Confidence

  • Status

  • Confidence


This table lists all Outcomes which are realized by the currently viewed Plateau.

 Insights Dashboard — Outcome

The following attributes are displayed for each listed Outcome:

  • Status

  • Confidence

Work Packages

This Gantt chart displays all Work Packages which realize the currently viewed Plateau.

 Insights Dashboard — Work Packages

You can see at a glance:

  • The date from which the Work Package becomes valid

  • The date until which the Work Package will be valid

Additional Widgets for Business Processes [ArchiMate Library]

The Insights Dashboard for Business Processes contains all default widgets and some additional widgets, which are described in detail below.

ADONIS Preview

This widget is only available if a Business Process was imported from ADONIS into ADOIT via the BOC Management Office Integration (MOI) interface. It shows the model that is referenced in the currently viewed Business Process on the ADONIS side.

 Insights Dashboard — ADONIS Preview

Open in ADONIS

To directly jump to the original model in ADONIS:

  • Click the More button in the top right corner of the widget, and then click   Open in ADONIS.

Process Potential and Maturity Analysis

This gauge chart helps to identify improvement potentials within the Business Process based on the results of an as-is analysis of various criteria. It shows the current value of the following attributes of the Business Process (one gauge for each attribute):

 Insights Dashboard — Process Potential and Maturity Analysis

  • Cost efficiency

  • Cycle time

  • Quality

  • Customer satisfaction

  • IT support

  • Compliance

  • Risk management

  • Process management maturity

Insights Dashboard for Applications [Standard Library]

This dashboard consists of the following areas:

 Insights Dashboard for Applications

Application Insights

Surrounding Applications (Tree Diagram)

This widget shows surrounding Applications that use or provide Interfaces to the Application currently being viewed.

Each node represents an Application. The centre node is the Application you are interested in. The Interfaces connecting the Applications are shown as branches, with the Provided Interfaces to the left and the Used Interfaces to the right.

The following options are available:

  • Click a node title to open the Notebook of the object.

Surrounding Applications (Table)

This table lists the provided and used Interfaces of the Application and the Applications that are connected to these Interfaces.

Application Score

This gauge chart shows the current value of the following attributes of the Application (one gauge for each attribute):

  • Strategic Importance

  • Business Fit

  • IT Fit

  • Cost Fit

  • Business Continuity Fit

  • Security Fit

Redundancy Analysis

This table helps you detect redundant Applications. It lists all other Applications that provide the same Business Functions. In addition, you can see whether there is need for action with regard to the listed Applications.

Lifecycle Insights

Lifecycle Information

This timeline shows the lifecycle of the Application. You can see at a glance:

  • When the implementation of the Application starts

  • When the Application becomes productive

  • When the Application is decommissioned

Below the timeline, the current value of the attributes Lifecycle State and Investment Strategy is displayed.

Data Insights

Information Flow (Network Diagram)

This network diagram shows the information flow between Applications. The following paths are evaluated:

  • Application > Provided Interfaces > Interface > Transferred Business Objects > Business Object

  • Application > Used Interfaces > Interface > Transferred Business Objects > Business Object

Business Objects and Applications are represented as nodes. The arrow direction indicates whether the Application is referenced from a used (incoming arrow) or provided (outgoing arrow) Interface.


The "STANDARD Banking" application uses an interface of the "Business Partner" application through which the data "Partner address" and "Partner" flows. That means: The "Partner Address" and "Partner" data flows from the "Business Partner" application to the "STANDARD Banking" application.

The following options are available:

  • Drag a node to where you want it.

  • Click a node to only show directly connected objects.

  • Double-click a node to open the Notebook of the object.

Information Flow (Table)

For all Business Objects which are connected to the Application through Interfaces, this table shows the current value of the following attributes:

  •   Responsible Person

  • Confidentiality

  • Integrity

  • Availability

Technology Insights

Technology Roadmap Status of Used Technologies

The pie chart in this widget shows you at a glance the current Technology Roadmap Status of the Technologies used by this Application.

By clicking a segment of the pie, you can highlight the corresponding Technologies in the Used Technologies list.

Used Technologies

The table comprises all Technologies which are used by the Application, and lists their attribute Technology Roadmap Status.

Quick Access

The quick access area allows you to further explore details you are interested in. You can perform the following actions:

  • References

    Show references of objects.

  • Interface Report

    Visualise the interfaces of an application.

  • Usage in Models

    Show models in which the object is used.

  • Analyse Dependencies

    Analyse and visualise dependencies between objects across multiple layers.

  • Validation

    Verify that an object complies with various guidelines and best practices.

Insights Dashboard for Business Capabilities [Standard Library]

This dashboard consists of the following areas:

 Insights Dashboard for Business Capabilities

Business Insights

Business Capability Score

This gauge chart shows the current value of the following attributes of the Business Capability (one gauge for each attribute):

  • Strategic Importance

  • IT Support

  • Business Fit

  • Process Fit

  • Information Fit

  • Technological Fit

  • Cost Fit

  • Organisational Fit

Process Assessment (Radar Chart)

For all Business Processes which support the Business Capability, this radar chart shows the current value of the following attributes:

  • Strategic Importance

  • Cost Efficiency

  • Cycle Time

  • Quality

  • Customer Satisfaction

  • IT Support

  • Compliance

Process Assessment (Table)

For all Business Processes which support the Business Capability, this table lists the following attributes:

  • Strategic Importance

  • Cost Efficiency

  • Cycle Time

  • Quality

  • Customer Satisfaction

  • IT Support

  • Compliance

Application Insights

Application Lifecycle State (Pie Chart)

The pie chart in this widget shows you at a glance the current Lifecycle State of the Applications which support the Business Capability.

By clicking a segment of the pie, you can highlight the corresponding Applications in the Application Lifecycle State table.

Application Lifecycle State (Table)

The table comprises all Applications which support the Business Capability, and lists their attribute Lifecycle State.

Application Fitness

For all Applications which support the Business Capability, this radar chart shows the current value of the following attributes:

  • Business Fit

  • IT Fit

  • Cost Fit

  • Business Continuity Fit

  • Security Fit

Transformation Insights

Project Size

This bar chart displays the budgets of all Projects which introduce, change or retire the Business Capability.


For all Projects which introduce, change or retire the Business Capability, this table lists the following attributes:

  • Risk

  • Priority

  • Budget

Cost of Strategic Demands

This bar chart displays the costs of all Demands which affect the Business Capability.

Strategic Demands

For all Demands which affect the Business Capability, this table lists the following attributes:

  • Risk

  • Estimated Cost

  • Priority

  • Demand Status

  • Processed Demands (= Related Projects)

Data Insights

Required Business Objects

For all Business Objects which support the Business Capability, this table shows the current value of the following attributes:

  •   Responsible Person

  • Confidentiality

  • Integrity

  • Availability

Organisational Insights

Required Organisational Units

The table comprises all Organisational Units which support the Business Capability, and lists their attribute   Responsible Person.

Quick Access

The quick access area allows you to further explore details you are interested in. You can perform the following actions:

  • References

    Show references of objects.

  • Usage in Models

    Show models in which the object is used.

  • Analyse Dependencies

    Analyse and visualise dependencies between objects across multiple layers.

  • Validation

    Verify that an object complies with various guidelines and best practices.

Insights Dashboard for Business Objects [Standard Library]

This dashboard consists of the following areas:

 Insights Dashboard for Business Objects

Application Insights

Application Score (Radar Chart)

For all Applications which are assigned to the Business Object, this radar chart shows the current value of the following attributes:

  • Business Fit

  • IT Fit

  • Cost Fit

  • Business Continuity Fit

  • Security Fit

Application Score (Table)

For all Applications which are assigned to the Business Object, this table lists the following attributes:

  • Responsible Person

  • Business Fit

  • IT Fit

  • Cost Fit

  • Business Continuity Fit

  • Security Fit

Data Manipulation and Mastership

For all Applications which are assigned to the Business Object, this table shows whether they create, read, update or delete (CRUD) the Business Object. The attributes of the relation Referenced Business Objects are evaluated for this purpose.

In addition, you can see whether an Application is considered as Master of the Business Object. If the Application can create, update or delete data without being the Master of the Business Object, an exclamation mark is displayed in the Violation column.

Data Flows (Network Diagram)

This network diagram shows the information flow between Applications. The following paths are evaluated:

  • Business Object > Transferred Business Object > Interface > Provided Interfaces > Application

  • Business Object > Transferred Business Object > Interface > Used Interfaces > Application

Business Objects and Applications are represented as nodes. The arrow direction indicates whether the Application is referenced from a used (incoming arrow) or provided (outgoing arrow) Interface.


The "STANDARD Banking" application uses an interface of the "Business Partner" application through which the data "Partner address" and "Partner" flows. That means: The "Partner Address" and "Partner" data flows from the "Business Partner" application to the "STANDARD Banking" application.

The following options are available:

  • Drag a node to where you want it.

  • Click a node to only show directly connected objects.

  • Double-click a node to open the Notebook of the object.

Business Insights

Security Requirements

This gauge chart shows the current value of the following attributes of the Business Object (one gauge for each attribute):

  • Confidentiality

  • Integrity

  • Availability

Quick Access

The quick access area allows you to further explore details you are interested in. You can perform the following actions:

  • References

    Show references of objects.

  • Usage in Models

    Show models in which the object is used.

  • Analyse Dependencies

    Analyse and visualise dependencies between objects across multiple layers.

  • Validation

    Verify that an object complies with various guidelines and best practices.

Insights Dashboard for Technologies [Standard Library]

This dashboard consists of the following areas:

 Insights Dashboard for Technologies

Lifecycle Insights

Lifecycle Information

This timeline shows the lifecycle of the Technology. You can see at a glance:

  • When the validity period of a Technology starts

  • When the Technology reaches the end of its validity period

Below the timeline, the current value of the attributes Technology Roadmap Status and Investment Strategy is displayed.

Technology Insights

Alternative Technologies

This table helps you detect alternative Technologies. It lists all other Technologies of the same Type. The following path is evaluated:

  • Technology (= starting point)> Type > Technology <Type   < Technology (= listed alternative technologies)

All in all, the following attributes are listed for each Technology:

  • Action Required

  • Investment Strategy

  • Valid From

  • Valid Until

  • Responsible Person

  • Assigned Applications

  • Type

Replaced by

For all Technologies which replace the current Technology, this table lists the following attributes:

  • Investment Strategy

  • Valid From

  • Valid Until

  • Responsible Person

Usage Insights

Technology Usage

For all Applications, Interfaces and Infrastructure Elements which use the Technology, this table lists the following attributes:

  • Lifecycle State

  • Investment Strategy

  • Responsible Person

Quick Access

The quick access area allows you to further explore details you are interested in. You can perform the following actions:

  • References

    Show references of objects.

  • Usage in Models

    Show models in which the object is used.

  • Analyse Dependencies

    Analyse and visualise dependencies between objects across multiple layers.

  • Validation

    Verify that an object complies with various guidelines and best practices.