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Version: 15.1


The Help menu in the upper-right corner contains all help functions:

 Help Menu

  • ADOIT User Manual

    Read the User Manual online.

  • Trainings

    Discover the ADOIT Training Portfolio or get individual coaching sessions.

  • What's New

    Explore the highlights from the latest ADOIT release.

  • ADOIT User Community

    Connect with ADOIT users. Ask questions and share your knowledge with fellow EA professionals.

  • News

    Learn more about the latest developments around ADOIT.

  • Upcoming Events

    Focus weeks, seminars and trainings – your way to connect with EA aficionados.

  • ADOIT Marketplace

    Discover add-ons and integrations for ADOIT.

  • Developer Portal

    Access documentation on available APIs and configuration options to build your own extensions and expand existing functionalities.