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Starting the Report Creator in Word

1. In MS Word start the Report Creator

  • In MS Word, start the Report Creator.
  • The Report Creator start screen will open.

Report Creator Start Screen

2. Provide login details

  1. Select your preferred language from the list of available languages, if desired.
  2. On the Report Creator start screen, enter the ADONIS URL that has REST API enabled and is configured to work with the Report Creator.
  3. If you use Basic Auth: Enter your ADONIS username and password and press 'Start'.
  4. If you use OAuth: Select OAuth and press 'Start'. You will be redirected to ADONIS login page.

Note: The Report Creator is Metamodel independent. Upon start, the whole metamodel (including customer-specific ones) is loaded from the given URL.

Report Creator Login

3. Report Creator interface opens

The Report Creator interface will open. From here, you can

  • Create template - allows you to create new or update existing template
  • Generate report
  • Logout