Set up an Independent Environment for a Project
To set up an environment with its own model group structure, the following steps are necessary:
Example Scenario: The ADO Money Bank
Complete the training exercise in the chapter “My first Modelling Environment” first if you do not yet feel confident with the administration of users and user rights in ADONIS.
Add Separate Model Groups/Object Groups
Please refer to the sections Create Model Group and Create Object Group for details.
Example Scenario: What needs to be done here?
Add Separate User Groups
Please refer to the section Create User Group for details.
Example Scenario: What needs to be done here?
Assign Rights
Please refer to the section Change Basic Access Rights for details.
Example Scenario: What needs to be done here?
Do not restrict access rights to the standard object group, as these are needed to create objects directly in models in the web client.
Assign Sub Admin
A sub admin can be assigned to manage users and user rights in an independent environment.
The following procedures are required to set up a sub admin:
Assign Access Rights to the Administration Toolkit
The user management component is only accessible in the Administration Toolkit, so a sub admin must be authorized to use it.
Example Scenario: What needs to be done here?
Change Access Rights to Components
To assign access rights to the Administration Toolkit:
Open the User Management.
In the User Catalogue, right-click the user you want to grant access rights to the Administration Toolkit, and then click Change access rights.
Switch to the Components tab.
The momentary rights status for the Administration Toolkit is shown in the column Rights. Double-click here until you reach the status Access.
When prompted whether the user shall also receive global administration rights, click No.
Assign Access Rights to the Rights Management of Users/User Groups
To allow someone access to the rights management of users / user groups, the detailed access rights must be edited. With the help of detailed rights, every single action can be permitted, prohibited or made dependent on inheritance.
Example Scenario: What needs to be done here?
Change Detailed Rights
In order to change detailed rights:
Open the User Management component via the component selection (1).
In the User Catalogue (2), right-click the user group or user whose permissions you want to change, and then click Change access rights. A tab with the associated rights opens (3).
Select the relevant subtab, e. g. “Models” (default selection) or “Objects”.
To show the detailed rights on a list entry, right-click the entry, and then select Edit rights (4). The rights management dialogue for special rights is displayed.
To change the authorisation of an action, right-click the action, and then click the desired status (5).
Select Allow to permit the action explicitly.
Select Forbid to forbid the action explicitly
Select Inherit to make the authorisation dependent on the next higher hierarchy level.
Optionally, you can also:
- Select the Extended check box to display all available actions.
Assign Users
Please refer to the sections Create User and Create System Roles and Assign Users for details.