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Version: 17.1

ADOIT 17.1 Administration Help

Welcome to the ADOIT Help. ADOIT is the IT service and management tool of the BOC Group.


ADOIT provides rich functionality for all typical IT management tasks. It is geared to international standards such as ITIL, COBIT, TOGAF and RiskIT, and the considerable experience and expertise of the BOC group gained from a variety of IT management projects.

Use ADOIT either out-of-the-box (ADOIT standard configuration) or expand it to fit your individual needs (ADOIT customising - "tailoring").

About this Manual

In the following documentation you find instructions on how to use the ADOIT Administration:

  • Get Started: This part of the manual describes how to get started with the ADOIT Administration.

  • Administration: This part of the manual contains instructions on how to administer ADOIT from your browser. All components of the ADOIT Administration and their functionalities are explained in detail.

  • Appendix: The appendix contains topics that ADOIT administrators may find helpful to gain a deeper understanding of certain concepts and functionalities in ADOIT.

Other Manuals

For questions about installing ADOIT, please refer to the Installation Manual.

For questions about using ADOIT, please refer to the User Manual.