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Version: 13.0

Perform an Unattended Installation

A parameterised or unattended installation of ADOIT does not use the installation wizard. To start an unattended installation, open the Windows Command Prompt, navigate to the installation directory and type msiexec. On executing msiexec without any options in the command line, a dialog appears that describes the usage of msiexec.

The following command pattern should be used:

msiexec /i <MSI Package> /qn INSTALLDIR=<Installation Directory>

ADDLOCAL=CORE,LANGUAGES ALLUSERS=2 /l*v <Log file> Productlanguage=1033

The installation parameters:


    This parameter can be used to specify the installation directory. This defaults to "%PROGRAMFILES%\BOC\ADOIT 13.0".


    This parameter can be used to specify a list of features to install. If this parameter is not used, all components are installed. The following features are available: CORE (the technical base component of ADOIT, must be installed), AAWS (Administration Toolkit), LANGUAGES (English language user interface, must be installed) and GermanLanguageFeature (German language user interface).

    Instead of a feature list it is possible to specify ALL (ADDLOCAL=ALL) to install all features.


    This parameter defines whether the start menu entries should be available for all users or only for the current user. When this is set to "2" (ALLUSERS=2), the entries are created for all users provided the current user has administrator rights on the machine, otherwise they are only created for the current user.

  • /l*v <Log file>

    This parameter defines the path to the log file.

  • /qn

    Specifies that there should be no graphical user interface for the installation at all and suppresses confirmation messages for the user.

  • /qb

    Only shows a progress bar instead of the full graphical user interface and suppresses confirmation messages for the user.

  • Productlanguage

    This parameter can be used to specify the language of the installation wizard and in which language the start menu entries are created. Possible values are Productlanguage=1031 for German and Productlanguage=1033 for English.

All parameters are optional and can be used in any order and combination.

Examples for a parameterised installation:

  • msiexec /i "ADOIT 13.0.msi" /qn

    This does a unattended installation using the default parameters, without a grafical interface and without creating a log file.

  • msiexec /i "ADOIT 13.0.msi" /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL ALLUSERS=2

    This installs all features for all users, without a grafical interface and without creating a log file.