This chapter provides an overview of the most important collaboration functions of ADOIT.
Open "Collaborate" Widget
The "Collaborate" widget is located at the right side of the program window. You can use it to both read comments by your colleagues and create your own comments on models and objects.
To open the "Collaborate" widget:
Open a model in the graphical editor, or open the Notebook of a model or object.
Click the More button
, and then click Collaborate.
The "Collaborate" widget always opens in the context of a specific model or object - namely the one that was selected for opening the widget. If you want to display comments on another model or object, you have to reopen the widget (from the graphical editor or Notebook).
Create Comment
In order to create a comment on a model or object:
Type your comment directly in the text field at the bottom of the "Collaborate" widget.
Click the Create button
Additionally, you can:
Format the comment. Select the text you want to format, and then click the Bold, Italic, Underline or Strikethrough button (or any combination of these options).
Click the Attach file icon
to attach a file to your comment.
Click the Remove attachment icon
to cancel uploading a selected file.
Click the Create Model/Object Link icon
to add a link to a model or object to your comment. Alternatively, you can select a model/object in the Explorer and insert it in the comment by drag and drop.
When you create a comment you automatically add the model or object to your favourites.
Post Reply
In order to post a reply to a comment:
Select the comment in the "Collaborate" widget.
Type your reply directly in the text field at the bottom of the "Collaborate" widget.
Click the Create button
Your reply is posted as an indented sub-comment.
The total number of replies is displayed on the bottom left of the comment. Click the respective icon to expand/collapse all sub-comments.
Search in Comments
The search function is offered as an input field in the menu bar of the "Collaborate" widget.
Execute Search
In order to execute a full-text search across the current selection of comments:
Enter the search string into the input field.
Press <Enter> or click the icon
All comments that contain the search string are shown. If the search string is included in a sub-comment, its parent is shown as well.
Clear Search Filter
In order to clear the search filter:
- Click the icon
Show New Comments
New comments are marked by a grey dot icon
() in the "Collaborate" widget.
Show or Hide "Collaborate" Widget
You can hide the "Collaborate" widget to increase your workspace, and show it again at any time:
To hide the widget, click the icon
at the top left corner of the widget.
To show the widget again, click the icon