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Version: 17.1


The Libraries page is a powerful tool that gives you wide-ranging control over your ADOIT libraries. With this page, you have access to a range of tools and functionality that allow you to export or update libraries, and manage metamodel translations.

The Libraries page shows the ADOIT library and the repositories in the library.

Manage Libraries

A library is a basic part of every ADOIT product configuration. In the library, model types, object types, types of connectors, attributes and much more are defined. Libraries have repositories, which are allocated to the users. In these repositories, models and objects are organised and managed.

Export Library

You can export a library for backup purposes or to share it with others.

To export the active library:

  1. Go to Libraries > More options, and then click Export library.

  2. From the Export languages list, choose whether to export the library with all available languages or only with one specific language.

  3. Click Export. The library is exported.

When the export is complete, a success message appears. Close the message to complete the process.

Update Library

This feature allows you to update an existing library to a new version.

Library Updates & Metamodel Changes

When you import a new product library that includes metamodel changes, the new version takes precedence and will overwrite existing elements. However, any custom metamodel changes made on the Properties page will be preserved.

A unique situation arises if BOTH libraries contain custom changes from the Properties page. This can happen, for instance, if you've made metamodel changes in both a test and production environment and then update the production library with the test library. In this case, the update will overwrite your local modifications, resulting in their loss.

To update the active library:

  1. Go to Libraries > More options, and then click Update library.

  2. Click Browse and select the file you want to import. You can also drag a file from your computer to the Drag and drop files here to upload area.

  3. Select the Import settings check box to overwrite your component settings in ADOIT with the ones in the import file and lose your modifications, or clear it so you can keep your current set of component settings.

  4. Click Import. When prompted to continue, click Yes to evaluate the update strategy.

  5. After the evaluation, you will be informed of the conflict strategy based on whether metamodel changes have been applied on the Properties page:

    • No local custom changes: The update will proceed with standard parameters, and any metamodel changes will overwrite existing elements.

    • Local custom changes: Your changes will be merged with the new library (see How Metamodel Conflicts Are Resolved During Library Updates).

    • Both libraries have custom changes: Merging is not possible; the update will overwrite your local changes.

  6. Click Yes to confirm the update, or No to cancel. If you confirm, the library will be updated.


The primary language will not be changed during the library update even if the new version has a different primary language than the library in the database.

Import Metamodel Fragment

For minor changes to the metamodel as part of customising projects, it's not always necessary to update the entire library. Instead, your ADOIT consultant can provide you with a JSON file that contains a metamodel fragment.

To import a metamodel fragment into a library:

  1. Go to Libraries > More options, and then click Import metamodel fragment.

  2. Click Browse and select the file you want to import. You can also drag a file from your computer to the Drag and drop files here to upload area.

  3. Click Import. When prompted to continue, click Yes. The metamodel fragment is imported and a success message appears. Close the message.

  4. Click Save to apply the metamodel changes.


This functionality CANNOT be used to migrate custom metamodel changes made on the Properties page from one environment to another (for example from a test environment to a production environment). To apply such changes, import the library containing the custom changes through a library update.

Rename Library

To change the name of a library:

  1. Go to the Libraries page.

  2. To the right of the library, click More, and then click Rename library.

  3. Enter the new name and click OK. The new name is applied.

When the renaming process is complete, a success message appears. Close the message to complete the process.

Copy Library ID

To copy the ID of a library to the clipboard:

  1. Go to the Libraries page.

  2. To the right of the library, click More, and then click Copy library ID.

A success message appears.

Copy Library Name

To copy the language-independent name of a library to the clipboard:

  1. Go to the Libraries page.

  2. To the right of the library, click More, and then click Copy library name.

A success message appears.

Check Library

A successful library is often maintained and further extended over many years. With growing size and complexity, problems might arise which are not visible at first glance. With the function Check Library it is possible to locate these problems.

To check a library:

  1. Go to Libraries > More options, and then click Check library.

A list of asserts, errors, warnings and other information will be displayed, grouped by component. You can expand the hierarchy of components and entries to locate the specific message you are looking for, or you can utilise the filter options located at the top of the columns to narrow down the results based on your criteria.

Library Properties

View the properties of your ADOIT library to see basic information such as available languages, default texts for library elements, and more.

To open the library properties:

  1. Go to the Libraries page.

  2. To the right of the library, click More, and then click Properties.

A dialogue with three tabs appears:

These tabs are discussed in more detail in the following sections.


On this tab, the following data is initially displayed:

  • Language independent name: The language independent name uniquely identifies the library.

  • Display name: View the language-specific names of the library. These names are visible on the user interface.

Below that, the status (enabled or disabled) of the following library parameters is shown:

  • Library without repository: If this parameter is disabled, the library uses an object repository and presents the Object Catalogue to the users. If it is enabled, the re-use of objects is not supported, as no object repository will be available.

  • Store newly created repository objects in user object groups: This parameter is only relevant, if an object repository is used (see Library without repository). If it is enabled, repository objects created without explicitly choosing a target group will be placed in the object group "Personal Objects\<user name>\<object type>". If it is disabled, they will be placed directly in the root object group.

  • Skip user specific groups for newly created artefacts: If this parameter is enabled, ADOIT no longer creates user-specific groups (...\<username>\...).

    New models created without explicitly choosing a target group will be placed in the model group "Personal Models\<model type>" instead of "Personal Models\<username>\<model type>".

    The following applies to repository objects: If Store newly created repository objects in user object groups is also enabled, new repository objects created without explicitly choosing a target group will be placed in the object group "Personal Objects\<object type>". If not, they will be placed directly in the root object group.

  • Repository with time filter: This parameter determines if the time filter mechanisms of the ADOIT repository are enabled or not. If it is enabled, at least one class in the library needs to be configured as a time-filter relevant class.

  • Time filter with time periods: This parameter is only relevant if Repository with time filter is also enabled. Instead of using UTC dates for time filter, this parameter enables the configuration of logical time periods.

  • Repository with tree filter: This parameter determines if the tree filter mechanisms of the ADOIT repository are enabled or not. If true, at least one class in the library needs to be configured as a tree-filter relevant class.


If the tree filter is active, objects can be assigned to different categories. The tree filter (or: categories filter) allows to filter objects according to these categories.


This tab shows the following data:

  • Assigned languages: View all languages currently assigned to the library. Every library must have at least one language assigned to provide interface and info texts. Out of all library languages, one is defined as the primary language. The primary language serves both as default and as fallback language if some text is not available in other languages.

Default Texts

This tab shows a portfolio of library elements which need text for representation on the user interface. For each of these elements, a translation in every library language is provided. The following elements are defined:

  • Default model group: The main model group in the Model Catalogue.
  • Default object group: The main object group in the Object Catalogue.
  • Default relation group: The main relations group in the Object Catalogue (for connectors and invisible relations alike); Inaccessible both for users and administrators.
  • Model pool: The name of the recycle bin in the Model Catalogue. Only accessible in the ADOIT Administration, inaccessible and not used in ADOIT.
  • Object pool: The name of the recycle bin in the Object Catalogue. Only accessible in the ADOIT Administration, inaccessible and not used in ADOIT.
  • Root model group: The usually hidden topmost model group. Only visible in the ADOIT Administration for granting permissions. The default model group is a direct child of the root model group.
  • Root object group: The usually hidden topmost object group. Only visible in the ADOIT Administration for granting permissions. The default object group and the default relation group are direct children of the root object group.

  • Group for unassigned objects: The group where objects are placed if created without explicitly choosing a target group, for example when a user creates a repository object in the graphical editor.

  • Temporary model group: The group where models are placed if created without explicitly choosing a target group.

Manage Localisation

The text resources of the metamodel can be translated into all languages enabled in the library. These metamodel translations can be imported and exported on the Libraries page.

Import Translation

This procedure allows importing translated metamodel texts that have been saved in an external XML file into the ADOIT database.

To import a translation:

  1. Go to Libraries > More options, and then click Import translation.

  2. Click Browse and select the file you want to import. You can also drag a file from your computer to the Drag and drop files here to upload area.

  3. Click Import. When prompted to continue, click Yes. The translation is imported.

When the import is complete, a success message appears. Close the message to complete the process.

Export Translation

This procedure allows exporting translated metamodel texts into an external XML file.

To export a translation:

  1. Go to Libraries > More options, and then click Export translation.

  2. Select the Basis language, i.e. the source language for the translation.

  3. From the Export Languages list, choose the languages you wish to export.

  4. Optional: Select Activate filter to only export potential translation candidates: The content in the target language is older than the text in the source language. Which language is treated as the source language depends on the selection of the Basis language (see above).

  5. Optional: Select Use timestamp and choose a date to further narrow down the results when Activate filter is selected: Only translation candidates where the text in the source language was edited after the chosen date are exported.

  6. Click Export. The translation is exported.

When the export is complete, a success message appears. Close the message to complete the process.