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This section describes how to

  1. prepare your ADOIT instance to be used with ADOIT Forms.

  2. grant ADOIT user access to ADOIT Forms.

1. Activate ADOIT Forms

In your ADOIT Administration open Settings, go to ADOIT Forms and General.


Setup enables ADOIT Forms and leads to the following changes in the ADOIT settings: 

  • Activation of the setting Activate standard RESTful Services globally

  • Activation of the setting Activate OAuth 2.0 with the

    • Repository scenarios: Repository read APIs, Repository write APIs, Repository search APIs

    • User scenarios: User read APIs

    • Metamodel scenarios: Metamodel read APIs

  • Activation of Allow CORS

  • Activation of OAuth 2.0 and creation of an client

  • Creation of the system role FormsDesigner

  • Creation of the user group Forms Designer


Changing this setting requires a restart of the ADOIT environment.

2. Configure users for ADOIT Forms

In your ADOIT Administration you can enable your ADOIT users to use ADOIT Forms as

ADOIT Forms user typeNeeded configuration
Template Designer1. Assign scenario ADO Forms.
For named use license scenarios, alternatively Design & Document can be used. 
2. Assign user group Forms Designer 
3. Ensure that system role FormsDesigner is assigned
Forms Submitter1. Assign scenario ADO Forms.
For named use license scenarios, alternatively Design & Document can be used.
2. Ensure write access to relevant Objects