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Version : 11.0

Web Client Installation

  1. Adapt the alias of the database connection and other important configuration parameters of the ADONIS NP application server in the file server.conf (see Configure ADONIS NP Application Server).

  2. Install the ADONIS NP application server as a Windows service (see Install ADONIS NP Application Server as a Service).

  3. Make sure Java 8 or 11 is installed on the web server by typing java -version in the Windows Command prompt. Install a new java version if necessary (see Download and Install Java Virtual Machine).

  4. Install Apache Tomcat as a Windows service (see Install Apache Tomcat as a Service):

    • Enter a value for the HTTP/1.1 Connector Port at which Apache Tomcat is accessible, e.g."8000".

    • For security reasons, the username and password for the Tomcat Manager page should be changed.

  5. Execute the file tomcat9w.exe to adapt the Apache Tomcat service settings (see Configure Apache Tomcat Web Server Service Settings):

    • In the Java Options box, add the parameter "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8".

    • Initial memory pool of 512MB.

    • Maximum memory pool of at least 2048MB.

    • Thread stack size of 256KB.

  6. Set the encoding of Apache Tomcat to UTF-8 in the file server.xml. A preconfigured server.xml file can be found in the folder “03 Web Client” on the installation medium (see Configure Apache Tomcat Web Server Settings).

  7. We strongly recommend to set up the Apache Tomcat web server for use with SSL/TLS (see (Optional) Set up Apache Tomcat Web Server for use with SSL/TLS).

  8. Copy the file ADONISNP11_0.war to the folder <Tomcat installation>/webapps“ (see Install ADONIS NP Web Client).

  9. If necessary, adapt the settings for the login procedure on the application server side in the file adoxx_web_conf.js (see Settings for the Login Process).

  10. Adapt the settings for the login procedure on the web server side in the file (see General Settings):

    • Enter the URL at which the ADONIS NP application server can be reached.

    • If necessary, adapt the other settings.

  11. Start the services (see Start Services):

    • ADONIS NP application server (service name e.g. "ADONISNPServer11.0Service")

    • Apache Tomcat web server (service name e.g. "Tomcat9")

    Now you can start using the ADONIS NP web client.

  12. Optionally, you can set up a load balancing configuration to distribute workload across multiple aworker processes started by the ADONIS NP application server (see Set Up Load Balancing Configuration).

  13. Observe the recommendations of the security checklist (see Security Checklist).