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Version : 13.0


The menu Settings contains the functions for manipulating the tool itself:

Change Password

To change your password:

  • Select Change password....

It is recommended to change the password regularly.


The password strength settings can be configured in the System Preferences.

Switch Repository

In order to switch the active repository during the ADONIS session (while running):

  • Select Switch repository and choose the desired repository from the sub menu.

User Preferences

Adapt the Administration Toolkit to your personal needs. To access the user preferences:

  • Select User preferences....

The dialogue is divided into several chapters (based on the functional groups). The following chapters are available (the number of chapters may vary depending on the tool configuration):

  • General: Small modifications to facilitate working with ADONIS.

  • Import/Export: Import and export settings.

The availability of certain user settings depends on the current ADONIS configuration. For example, if a function is deactivated, the corresponding preferences will be unavailable too.

User Preferences – General

Various settings are summarised in this chapter:

Query when Quitting

The option Query when quitting determines whether a confirmation box should appear when ending the session (default) or the application window should be closed without any further comment if there are no unsaved changes.

Single Sign-on (SSO) Login

Select “Login as logged system user” to log in to the Administration Toolkit without providing a user name and password. This function uses the Windows user login. When Windows starts, a one-time authentication will be carried out that enables the start of ADONIS. This option allows for fast log in to ADONIS.

To use this option, the system user must be imported into the database via the Administration Toolkit.


Authentication with system users is a deprecated feature. This authentication mechanism is scheduled to be removed in a future release of ADONIS. It is still available for compatibility reasons, but should no longer be used.

User Preferences – Import/Export

The import/export of database content is a wide field and offers various options for users. Personal settings are available for modification.

Import Settings

With this setting it is possible to determine whether the database catalogue statistics should be updated after an import. Updating the catalogue statistics leads to considerably faster data access. On the other hand, the import itself takes longer (depending on the amount of data, the update can take between a few seconds and many minutes) and other users will experience significant slowdowns in the database communication. These options are available:

This function offers three options:

  • Yes, always update: After every import, the database catalogue statistics are updated automatically.

  • No, never update: Import processes are always terminated without an update.

  • Ask me after each import (Default): After each import a query dialogue appears asking whether an update should take place.

Export Settings

Here you can customise the export of models and objects. The following options are available:

  • Show internal models and objects: Provide hidden database content.

  • Write export files with indentions: Display the file content in a structured way.

Show internal models and objects

Some ADONIS configurations use internal models and objects which usually are irrelevant for the users. These models or objects are normally not displayed. In rare cases (e.g. data migration to a new database) expert users and administrators might need to export these models and objects.

If the option Show internal models and objects is active (default: deactivated), these elements appear in the selection list and can be exported. Displaying them will result in a more complex view.

Write export files with indentions

If the option Write export files with indentions is active (default), the code lines are indented in addition. Hierarchically lower lines start further to the right than the ones on higher structural levels.

System Preferences

To access the system preferences:

  • Select System preferences....

The dialogue is divided into several chapters. The following chapters are available (the number of chapters may vary depending on the tool configuration):

The availability of certain system settings depends on the current ADONIS configuration. For example, if a function is deactivated, the corresponding preferences will be unavailable too.

System Preferences – Security

Various settings are summarised in this chapter:

Password Strength Settings

Here you can customise the password strength settings. The following options are available:

  • Minimal password strength: ADONIS determines the strength of passwords based on their length, complexity, and predictability and assigns them a value of 0 - 100%. Here you can set the minimum strength passwords must have: from very weak (0%), weak (20%), good (40%), strong (60%) to very strong (80%).

  • Custom password rule: By default, a new password must have at least 8 characters and contain at least one digit (e.g. 0-9) and uppercase as well as lowercase characters (e.g. A-Z, a-z). You can change this setting and specify a custom password rule via a regular expression pattern.

    Examples of custom password rules

    Passwords should have at least 5 characters and contain a lowercase character (e.g. a-z). The Custom password rule field should therefore read:


    Passwords should have at least 8 characters and contain a digit (e.g. 0-9), a lowercase character (e.g. a-z) and an uppercase character (e.g. A-Z). The Custom password rule field should therefore read:


  • Number of not allowed previous passwords: Specify the number of previous passwords that are stored by ADONIS and must not be reused on password change.

  • Maximum password age (days): Specify the period of time (in days) that a password can be used before ADONIS requires the user to change it.

  • Minimum password age (days): Specify the period of time (in days) that a password must be used before the user can change it.


Passwords must meet the minimum password strength settings (e.g., reach 60%) AND match the custom password rule (e.g., contain at least 8 characters and contain numeric and uppercase and lowercase characters).

Login Settings

Here you can customise security relevant login settings. The following options are available:

  • Number of allowed login failures: Choose a maximal number of allowed login failures before a user is disabled and cannot login anymore.

System Preferences – Single Sign-on (SSO)

Please refer to the section SSO Provider Setup for details.

System Preferences – File Management

If the DMS functionality is deactivated, ADONIS does not allow the import of external files into the database. Instead, you can create references to single files in the file system. For this purpose, you can define a whitelist of file extensions here. Only file types that are specified in the whitelist may be referenced from the Notebook of a Document object.

  • Allowed file types (space-separated extensions): Select the allowed file types for files in the database. Separate the file extensions with a blank.

Allowed file types include: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, csv, txt, pdf, rtf, png, jpg, gif, jpeg, bmp, zip, rar, 7z, axr, xml, bpmn

All other file types are blocked by default. To allow additional file types to be added to this list, you need to customize a configuration file.

System Preferences – Audit Log

Please refer to the section Enable Audit Log for details.


On calling the function Status, a dialogue window with detailed status information about the current session is shown. To access the status information:

  • Select Status....

Component State – Current Configuration

ADONIS is based on a framework consisting of various components and modules. Which of these components are available in the current configuration is determined by a licence. In addition, the licenced components may be further restricted for certain users or user groups.

In order to check which components and modules are available for the active user:

  • Select Components.... An info dialogue appears.

File Management

This tool allows managing auxiliary files (graphic files, scripts…) in the database. In order to open the file manager:

  • Select File management.... The File Manager is activated.

The following functions are available:

  • File and Folder Management: Creating a new folder, opening/editing files, renaming files and folders, deleting files and folders, refreshing.

  • Export: Exporting files and folders from the database into the file system.

  • Import: Importing external files into the database.


Only the user Admin has full access to all files in the database.

Licence Overview

This function offers ADONIS administrators a tool for checking the product and database licences stored in the database. In order to open the licence overview:

  • Point to Licences, and then click Overview....

The licence management dialogue appears. The table columns have the following meanings:

  • Name: The name of the licence or the licenced component.

  • Version: The product version for which the licence was originally created.

  • Type: The type of component which a number of users can use simultaneously.

  • Product Licences: The number of users that can use ADONIS simultaneously (have simultaneous access to the database and use the product at the same time). This column will be empty if a scenario licence is in use.

  • Usable for Newer: Yes: The licence can still be used with a newer version of the product. No: A new version of the product will also require a new licence.

  • Expiration Date: The last calendar day on which the licence can be used.

  • Remaining Days: The number of days for which this licence is still valid.

  • Max. objects: The maximum number of repository objects that can be created in the database.

  • Max. models: The maximum number of models that can be created in the database.

  • Concurrent Use: The maximum number of concurrent users that can use a component. This column will be empty if a product licence is in use.

  • Named Use: The maximum number of named users that can use a component. This column will be empty if a product licence is in use.


    Please note the difference between Expiration Date and Remaining Days. The Expiration Date is an absolute date, after which this licence is invalid. This does not depend on whether the licence is in use or not. In contrast, Remaining Days is a relative date for timely restricted licences (e.g. 30 days licences). It starts decreasing after the installation. If the remaining time reaches 0 days, the licence cannot be used anymore.

Product Licences vs. Scenario Licences

Licences can either be product licences or scenario licences:

  • Product Licence: Product licences define the maximum amount of users which can use ADONIS simultaneously (Administration Toolkit and web client).

  • Scenario Licence: Scenario licences define the maximum amount of concurrent users and/or named users which can use a scenario simultaneously. Scenarios are the application scenarios of the web client, the Organisation Portal etc.

Named Users vs. Concurrent Users

ADONIS Users can be either named users or concurrent users:

  • Named Users: A user can be assigned as a named user for a scenario. Named users have guaranteed access to the selected scenario in ADONIS regardless of the number of already logged-in concurrent users.

  • Concurrent Users: Concurrent users share the available slots and can log in as long as free slots are available.

Add Licence

Due to various reasons it might become necessary to import a new licence into a database. In order to open the import dialogue:

  • Point to Licences, and then click Add licence....

Execute JavaScript File

From time to time it can be advantageous to make small modifications of the ADONIS configuration without having to perform a full product configuration life cycle. The function Execute JavaScript File allows wrapping the changes into a JavaScript and applying them online.

In order to execute a JavaScript:

  • Select Execute JavaScript file....

Only import tested JavaScripts which you have received from your ADONIS consultant!

Update Database Statistics

The contents of the database are subject to permanent change: models and objects are created and deleted, libraries imported and much more. Every action creates new information which - over time - slows down the database access. Therefore, it is advisable to update the catalogue statistics of the database system either after major reorganisations or periodically.

Database catalogue statistics are data about the distribution of table and index values which are consulted by the database system for query optimisation. Up-to-date catalogue statistics lead to more efficient execution plans resulting in considerably shorter system response times and thus speeding up the user's work.

You can start gathering database statistics and/or defragmenting indexes based on the default settings or select advanced options.


Updating the database statistics can take a while. During the update other users will experience significant slowdowns in the database communication with ADONIS. Therefore, we recommend not updating the database statistics during times of heavy use.

Default Settings

In order to update the database statistics using the default settings:

  • Click Update database statistics, and then click Execute.

Advanced Options

In order to update the database statistics using advanced options:

  • Click Update database statistics, and then click Show options.

  • Select the settings you want, and then click Execute.

These are the settings you can change:

Maintenance Method

Select the maintenance method:

  • Default settings: These are the default settings as defined in the configuration file adoxx.conf in the folder "<ADONIS installation>/conf".

  • Statistics update: The database catalogue statistics are updated, while the indexes are not defragmented.

  • Defragmentation on leaf level: The indexes are defragmented on leaf level, and the database catalogue statistics are updated.

  • Index rebuild: The complete index is defragmented.

  • Index rebuild (online):: The complete index is defragmented while the index remains online. Not available for Oracle databases.

Topic (Table Group)

Select for which database tables the selected maintenance method should be performed.

  • All: Maintenance is performed for all database tables.

  • Migration (all data tables except library definition): Maintenance is performed for all database tables containing ADONIS data which are relevant for migrations.

  • Repository (repository list, groups, models, objects and users, relations): Maintenance is performed for all database tables which contain repository data including the repository list.

  • Models (groups, models, objects and users, relations): Maintenance is performed for all database tables which contain repository data excluding the repository list.

  • Objects (groups, objects and users, relations): Maintenance is performed for all database tables which contain object data.

  • Users (groups, objects and users, rights and system roles; no relations): Maintenance is performed for all database tables which contain user data.

  • Metamodel (library definition): Maintenance is performed for all database tables which contain the metamodel definition.

Analyse Bandwidth

This function allows you to perform a quick, superficial analysis of the bandwidth and response times between the Administration Toolkit and the database server. In order to analyse the bandwidth:

  • Select Analyse bandwidth..., and then click Start.

Three files (1KB, 1MB, 10MB) will be generated in the user's temp directory. Then ADONIS measures how long it takes to

  • upload the files to the database (a temp directory will be created in the database),

  • download the files from the database and

  • delete the files from the database.

Measured durations will be marked according to the result of the comparison with the reference values (green = good response time; red = below average response time).