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Version : 16.0

Configure Brute Force Protection Settings

ADONIS has a mechanism to prevent brute force attempts from gaining access to login credentials. After a specified number of failed login attempts, login to ADONIS is blocked and a message is shown to the user. In order to adapt the brute force protection settings:

  • Open the ADONIS Administration and go to Home > More options > General Settings.

  • Click the Security settings button. Edit the settings and save the changes afterwards.


To configure brute force protection settings, you need experience with JSON. If you need help, contact your ADONIS consultant.

You can adapt parameters of the following JSON objects:

  • "brute-force": {...}: Settings for regular login attempts to ADONIS by users.

  • "reauthentication": { "brute-force": {...} }: Settings for reauthentication attempts. Reauthentication behaviour can be customised to protect certain critical business actions in ADONIS.

  • "rest": { "brute-force": {...} }: Settings for login attempts via the REST API that allows authenticated access to exposed functionality in ADONIS.

The following parameters are available:

  • clean_up_period: Time frame (in milliseconds) in which failed attempts for all users are accounted. The default value is 60,000 milliseconds (= 1 minute).

  • clean_up_threshold_ip: Time frame (in milliseconds) in which failed attempts for an IP address are accounted. The default value is 10,800,000 milliseconds (= 3 hours).

  • clean_up_threshold_user: Time frame (in milliseconds) in which failed attempts for a user name are accounted. The default value is 600,000 milliseconds (= 10 minutes).

  • max_attempts_overall: The maximum number of overall failed login attempts before all users are blocked for a specified amount of time. The default value is 150 times.

  • max_attempts_per_ip: The maximum number of failed login attempts before an IP address is blocked for a specified amount of time. The default value is 75 times.

  • max_attempts_per_username: The maximum number of failed login attempts before a user name is blocked for 10 minutes. The default value is 15 times.

  • sleeptime_max_attempts_overall: The amount of time (in milliseconds) that login attempts are blocked for all users after a specified amount of overall failed login attempts. The default value is 30,000 milliseconds (= 30 seconds).

  • sleeptime_max_attempts_per_ip: The amount of time (in milliseconds) that login attempts are blocked for an IP address after a specified amount of failed login attempts. The default value is 60,000 milliseconds (= 1 minute).


If there are 75 failed login attempts from an IP address [max_attempts_per_ip] during an interval of 3 hours [clean_up_threshold_ip], users on that IP address have to wait for one minute [sleeptime_max_attempts_per_ip].