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Version : 16.2

Configuration Changes That Require a Server Restart

Most configuration settings in ADONIS take effect immediately after saving. However, some settings require a restart of the ADONIS application server or the Apache Tomcat web server. These are listed below.

SettingAdditional InformationApplication Server RestartWeb Server Restart
Active featuresSettings impacting the fundamental behaviour of ADONISYes
Application server: change configuration filesserver.conf, adoxx.conf, adoxx_web_conf.js, afts_server.conf, etc.Yes
Change historySettings for tracking changes to repository objectsYes
ClamAV virus scannerEnable virus scan for file uploadsYes
Corporate identityAdd and configure CI schemesYes
Document management: basic settingsSettings for uploading documentsYes
Document management: allow additional file typesDefine a whitelist of file extensionsYes
EmailConfigure email serviceYes
Full-text searchConfigure the general search function and the search in ExplorerYes
iFrame embedding ADONISAllows you to embed ADONIS in a websiteYes
IDM authentication: Tomcat ISAPI redirector configurationSetting up the ISAPI redirector for IIS to cooperate with TomcatYes
Media managementSettings for uploading imagesYes
Object ownersSettings for assigning users ownership of repository objectsYes
Integration ADOIT: configure interfaceSetting up synchronisation of objects between ADONIS and ADOITYesYes
Licence managementAdding a new ADONIS licenceYes
Model comparisonDefining the properties to consider when comparing modelsYes
Model release workflowSettings for model release and versioningYes
ModellingSettings for automatic saving and moreYes
ModulesAssigning modules to system roles for access to features in ADONISYes
Object mouseoversDefining the properties to display in object tooltips in ADONISYes
Recommender serviceEnable model suggestions per repositoryYes
SystemTechnical settings controlling the base functionality of ADONISYes
Tomcat: change configuration, logback.xml, web.xml, server.xml, etc.Yes
Tomcat: configure SSL/TLS supportEncrypt the communication between client and web serverYes
Upgrade ADONISMigration from an earlier version to ADONIS 16.2YesYes