Configuration Changes That Require a Server Restart
Most configuration settings in ADONIS take effect immediately after saving. However, some settings require a restart of the ADONIS application server or the Apache Tomcat web server. These are listed below.
Setting | Additional Information | Application Server Restart | Web Server Restart |
Active features | Settings impacting the fundamental behaviour of ADONIS | Yes | – |
Application server: change configuration files | server.conf, adoxx.conf, adoxx_web_conf.js, afts_server.conf, etc. | Yes | – |
Change history | Settings for tracking changes to repository objects | Yes | – |
ClamAV virus scanner | Enable virus scan for file uploads | Yes | – |
Corporate identity | Add and configure CI schemes | Yes | – |
Document management: basic settings | Settings for uploading documents | Yes | – |
Document management: allow additional file types | Define a whitelist of file extensions | – | Yes |
Configure email service | – | Yes | |
Full-text search | Configure the general search function and the search in Explorer | Yes | – |
iFrame embedding ADONIS | Allows you to embed ADONIS in a website | – | Yes |
IDM authentication: Tomcat ISAPI redirector configuration | Setting up the ISAPI redirector for IIS to cooperate with Tomcat | – | Yes |
Media management | Settings for uploading images | Yes | – |
Object owners | Settings for assigning users ownership of repository objects | Yes | – |
Integration ADOIT: configure interface | Setting up synchronisation of objects between ADONIS and ADOIT | Yes | Yes |
Licence management | Adding a new ADONIS licence | Yes | – |
Model comparison | Defining the properties to consider when comparing models | Yes | – |
Model release workflow | Settings for model release and versioning | Yes | – |
Modelling | Settings for automatic saving and more | Yes | – |
Modules | Assigning modules to system roles for access to features in ADONIS | Yes | – |
Object mouseovers | Defining the properties to display in object tooltips in ADONIS | Yes | – |
Recommender service | Enable model suggestions per repository | Yes | – |
System | Technical settings controlling the base functionality of ADONIS | Yes | – |
Tomcat: change configuration files |, logback.xml, web.xml, server.xml, etc. | – | Yes |
Tomcat: configure SSL/TLS support | Encrypt the communication between client and web server | – | Yes |
Upgrade ADONIS | Migration from an earlier version to ADONIS 16.2 | Yes | Yes |