Perform an Unattended Installation
A parameterised or unattended installation of ADONIS does not use the installation wizard. To start
an unattended installation, open the Windows Command Prompt, navigate to the installation directory
and type msiexec
. On executing msiexec
without any options in the command line, a dialog appears
that describes the usage of msiexec.
The following command pattern should be used:
msiexec /i <MSI Package> /qn INSTALLDIR=<Installation Directory>
ADDLOCAL=CORE,LANGUAGES ALLUSERS=2 /l*v <Log file> Productlanguage=1033
The installation parameters:
INSTALLDIR: This parameter can be used to specify the installation directory. This defaults to "%PROGRAMFILES%\BOC\ADONIS 14.0".
ADDLOCAL: This parameter can be used to specify a list of features to install. If this parameter is not used, all components are installed. The following features are available: CORE (the technical base component of ADONIS, must be installed), AAWS (Administration Toolkit), LANGUAGES (English language user interface, must be installed) and GermanLanguageFeature (German language user interface).
Instead of a feature list it is possible to specify ALL (ADDLOCAL=ALL) to install all features.
ALLUSERS: This parameter defines whether the start menu entries should be available for all users or only for the current user. When this is set to "2" (ALLUSERS=2), the entries are created for all users provided the current user has administrator rights on the machine, otherwise they are only created for the current user.
/l*v <Log file>: This parameter defines the path to the log file.
/qn: Specifies that there should be no graphical user interface for the installation at all and suppresses confirmation messages for the user.
/qb: Only shows a progress bar instead of the full graphical user interface and suppresses confirmation messages for the user.
Productlanguage: This parameter can be used to specify the language of the installation wizard and in which language the start menu entries are created. Possible values are Productlanguage=1031 for German and Productlanguage=1033 for English.
All parameters are optional and can be used in any order and combination.
Examples for a parameterised installation:
msiexec /i "ADONIS 14.0.msi" /qn: This does a unattended installation using the default parameters, without a grafical interface and without creating a log file.
msiexec /i "ADONIS 14.0.msi" /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL ALLUSERS=2: This installs all features for all users, without a grafical interface and without creating a log file.