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Wersja: 16.1

Configure the ADONIS Web Application

In order to configure the ADONIS web application, settings for the login process and general settings have to be adapted.

Settings for the Login Process

In order to adapt the settings for the login process:

  • Open the folder <ADONIS installation>/conf” and edit the file adoxx_web_conf.js.

The following section lists the parameters that have an impact on the login process in ADONIS and their meaning:


    The log level used in ADONIS. By default, only errors are logged, but other log levels can be set. Possible values are AIT_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, AIT_LOGLEVEL_WARN, AIT_LOGLEVEL_INFO, AIT_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG and AIT_LOGLEVEL_PROFILE.


    Specifies whether the user should be able to switch the language on the login page. If this is set to true, a drop-down menu containing the available languages is displayed on the ADONIS login page. Possible values are true or false.


    The language id of the standard language ADONIS should be started with. Depending on the product configuration, possible values are e.g. “en” for English or “de” for German.


    If this is set to true, every user can be logged in only once to ADONIS. When a user logs in again, any old web sessions are closed. This has the effect that artefacts (objects, models, groups) that were locked in the old session are unlocked again without saving. Possible values are true or false.


    This setting lists the protocols that should be recognised by ADONIS. By default, the protocols HTTP, FTP and HTTPS are recognised. To add a protocol, the protocol name has to be added to the field. Files that are referenced by protocols not listed here are assumed to be using the protocol “file:///”.


    This is only relevant if an identity manager (IDM) is used. This setting specifies the login page for this working mode. The value entered in this setting is the URL of the page, to which ADONIS forwards in case of session timeouts or when the logout button in ADONIS is clicked.


    This property is used to control the behaviour of logging in ADONIS. By default this is set to true, which means that ADONIS will log the login name for each user that logs in. If this is set to false, the logins will still be tracked, but the users’ names will not be contained in the logs.


    This setting defines the maximum package size when calling web methods from the application server. The default value is "0" which means the size of packages is not limited.


    This setting specifies how the application server handles the internal JavaScript resources. The value should only be changed for debugging.

General Settings

To adapt the general settings on the web server side:

  • Open the folder <Tomcat installation>/webapps“ and open the file ADONIS16_1.war with a file archiver. Edit the file which can be found inside. Save the changes afterwards.

The most important configuration parameters are listed below. Usually, it should not be necessary to change the other parameters:

  • aservers

    The URL at which the ADONIS application server can be reached. The URL consists of the name of the application server (can be freely defined) and the domain name or IP address (a port should NOT be included). You only need to change this parameter if the application server and the web server are running on different machines.


If you are running the application server locally, and the name of the application server is "AS1", the parameter should look like this:

aservers = AS1:localhost

  • aworkers

    aworker process started by the application server. The parameter consists of the name of the application server (as defined in the parameter aservers) and the port (as specified in the file server.conf). You only need to change this parameter if the port is already used by other services in your environment, or to set up a load balancing configuration.


If the application server name is "AS1" and you are using the default port, the parameter should look like this:

aworkers = AS1:41610

  • copy_db_files

    When starting the web server it tries to connect to the application server and copies some plugin data and icons of the ADONIS database into the "webapps" directory of the web server. In some scenarios this may not work because there is no write permissions to that directory. Therefore this behaviour can be switched off by setting this parameter to false and copying the required data manually into the webapps folder (by default it is set to true).

  • search.result.max.size

    This parameter specifies the maximum search result limit in ADONIS.

  • translation.maximum.artefacts

    This parameter specifies the number of models and objects that can be translated at once in ADONIS.

  • report.parallel.execution

    This parameter specifies the number of reports that can be created in parallel in ADONIS.

  • security.src.frame-ancestors

    Specifies for which pages embedding ADONIS as an iFrame is allowed. The parameter 'self' allows you to embed ADONIS from pages with the same origin as the web server. In addition, one or more URLs of websites may be specified. Separate the parameters with a space.


If you want to allow embedding ADONIS as an iFrame from the same origin and, you can use:

security.src.frame-ancestors = 'self'

  • supportinformation.disable

    Specifies whether the support package is available for download within ADONIS (see "Appendix B: Troubleshooting"). Possible values are "true" or "false".

  • use.cases.allow.unique.column.state

    Specifies whether the Explorer maintains its expanded or collapsed state when switiching between workplace areas, such as "Find" or "Analyse," or switching between components, such as different editors. If set to "true", each area or component will have its own independent Explorer state. If set to "false", the Explorer state will remain consistent across all areas and components.

  • explorer.class.filter.expand.all

    Specifies whether all elements of a particular type are displayed when filtering the Explorer by type, or if only the elements within the currently open groups will be shown. If set to "true", all elements of the selected type will be displayed, and any groups containing these elements will be expanded. Please note that this may result in longer loading times, particularly for larger databases. If set to "false", only the elements of the selected type within already expanded groups will be displayed, improving loading times.


    Set the minimum required length for search strings in the Explorer search function. If no value is set, at least 3 characters are required for initiating a search. This configuration affects both the main Explorer in the left-side pane and any other user interface components that leverage Explorer functionality where searching is possible, such as when adding relations to an element. Please note that using shorter search strings can impact performance, particularly for larger databases.