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Version: 12

New features in ADOGRC 12

The BOC Group strives to provide you with the best tools in the market which is why we constantly try to improve and integrate features our customers need. In this document you will find all new features and improvements in the ADOGRC 12 line of releases which is our latest version.

New features in ADOGRC 12.3

The BOC Group is pleased to announce that ADOGRC 12.3 has been released. This is a minor feature update for ADOGRC 12.0 LTS, which is the latest version of our software.

In addition to the usual bug fixes this update brings a host of exciting new configuration options benefitting all our users

Options to configure the Insights dashboard for Initiatives

ADOGRC offers configuration options for the ADOGRC widget at the top of the Insights dashboard to show you the context and relations of ADOGRC objects. Until now this was only possible for Risks, Risk assessments, Controls, Control executions and Control testings. Now ADOGRC offers the same configuration for the Initiative object type to provide you with even more insights into your data at a glance.

Initiative Insights options

Options to configure incoming parent relations in the Insights Context widget

At the top of the Insights dashboard for ADOGRC object types you are presented with the Context widget which shows the context and relations of your ADOGRC objects to their respective assets. It is now possible to configure incoming relations in the parent configuration for the connected artefacts. In the example below a Control execution dashboard shows assets from Control objectives incoming from Monitor Controls. This offers even greater visibility of assets surrounding your ADOGRC object types.

Insights Context incoming

Options to configure multiple relations in the Insights Context widget

In addition to previous options, the ADOGRC Context widget on the Insights dashboard now also offers the possibility to configure multiple relations for the parent of connected artefacts. The example below shows the Insights Context widget configured for the Control Testing object type so that it follows the relations Associated Controls and Associated Control Objectives to their respective objects and then continues on to show the Roles and Application Owner of those objects. This offers a broader view on your data and shows which persons are involved in the context of the ADOGRC object you are currently viewing.

Insights Context multiple

Configurable maximum number of objects shown on the ADOGRC start page

Until now the numbers at the top of the ADOGRC start page (e.g. Tasks, My dashboards) had a fixed limit and showed 99+ if there were more than 100 tasks. We introduced a new configuration option to override this limit and show and load more data at once.

Insights Context multiple

Please note that raising this limit will load more data and therefore may have an impact on performance, depending on your environment and hardware, if you raise it too high.

New configuration option for custom Notification links

Notifications for ADOGRC object types always had the option to configure if clicking the link should open the Notebook or the Insights dashboard of the options. We now added the same configuration option for other object types. If you have extended ADOGRC to send notifications also for custom object types in addition to the ADOGRC objects, then you can now define the behavior when users click on the link. This allows users to jump in right at the point where they will continue their work and is a welcome time saver when reacting to notifications they receive.

Configure object creation if a specific release workflow is not available

ADOGRC makes it possible to fine-tune the process of creating new ADOGRC objects and offers, among others, the options to select a parent during the creation of an object and to move the new object automatically to its parent (or disable these features). This configuration, however, was tied to the release workflow of the ADOGRC object types which would not let you configure this behavior if the respective workflow was not licensed. We now added a configuration option for this behavior as a fallback in case any of the release workflows is not available.

The configuration options mentioned above can be enabled when performing a release upgrade and may require additional specification and implementation efforts.

New Features in ADOGRC 12.2

The BOC Group is pleased to announce that ADOGRC 12.2 has been released. This is a minor feature update for ADOGRC 12.0, which is the latest version of our software.

In addition to bug fixes, ADOGRC 12.2 offers new configuration and customizing options.

Option to add more object types to your ADOGRC scenario overview

Currently ADOGRC already offers a convenient overview for all your ADOGRC objects right on the ADOGRC Scenario start page. But what if your methodology requires additional object types which are not part of this overview per default? Now it is possible to accomodate these often very specific methods employed by our users by adding additional object types to the ADOGRC Scenario start page. This way you get the same great overview you are used to but now with all object types you need in your methods.

Highlight required attributes when creating objects

When creating new objects every customer has their own set of rules which attributes must be filled out initially and which can be filled later in the process. With this new feature it is possible to highlight those mandatory attributes with a special mark to signal the user that they have to fill out these fields in order to finish creating this object. This can be defined separately for all ADOGRC object types and is a great help when onboarding new users as well as a visual reminder for experienced users.

The configuration options mentioned above can be enabled when performing a release upgrade and may require additional specification and implementation efforts.

New Features in ADOGRC 12.1

The BOC Group is pleased to announce that ADOGRC 12.1 has been released. This is a minor feature update for ADOGRC 12.0, which offers new configuration and customizing options, as well as bug fixes and other improvements:

New visualization option for insights

The name of objects displayed on the ADOGRC Insights dashboard can now be configured to show either just the name of the object (this is the default setting) or additional information, such as the version number of the asset.

New options for the creation of ADOGRC types

ADOGRC guides the user through the steps of creating Risk assessments, Control tests and Control executions by default. When creating these objects ADOGRC will let you directly assign the new object to a Control or Risk and then move the new object automatically to the related Control or Risk in the folder hierarchy. If you prefer to do this manually, there are now options to turn off these features.

The configuration options mentioned above can be enabled when performing a release upgrade and may require additional specification and implementation efforts.

New Features in ADOGRC 12.0

The BOC Group is pleased to announce that ADOGRC 12.0 has been released. This release consolidates features of previous versions and adds fixes and improvements.

Support for ADONIS 15.0

ADOGRC 12.0 now supports ADONIS 15.0. For new features offered in this version, please refer to the ADONIS 15.0 What's New page

Additionally ADOGRC 12.0 consolidates all features previously made available in ADOGRC 11.1 and 11.2, giving you the latest and best experience as outlined below:

Consistent Columns in the Insights Dashboard Tabular Editor

Many widgets on the Insights dashboard allow displaying their data in a tabular view. A tabular view expands the widget to offer more space and therefore improves visibility of your data. To make better use of the additional space we now do not simply display the same columns as in the widget but instead show you all columns you are used to from the My dashboard views. This gives you a familiar look and should allow you to drill down quicker to the data you want to see. The configuration for the My dashboard" views is still the same in the Administration Toolkit, but now also applies to tabular views opened from the Insights dashboard, giving you a consistent experience no matter which dashboard you are currently using.

Consistent Columns

Control Testing Insights Shortcut to Tabular View

The chart for the Control Testing Insights now contains a convenient button to directly open the data in a tabular view. So far, only widgets with data presented in a table had the option to open a large tabular view for better visibility and working with columns and sorting. Now, if you are interested in the details of the data displayed in the Control Testing chart, it is just a button click away.

Control Testing Insights Tabular View

New Dashboard for the Read & Explore Scenario

ADOGRC has extended the available dashboards in the Read & Explore scenario for more object types. There are now dashboards for Controle execution, Control testing and Risk assessment. You can access these dashboards via the Analysis button on the main toolbar.

Read & Explore New Dashboards

The new dashboards offer the same quick access to your important data like you are already used to for Risks and Controls.