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Version: 17.0

Multiple Instances of ADOIT 17.0 on a Single Machine

If multiple instances of ADOIT 17.0 should be run on a single machine, some adaptations have to be made. An interesting use of this scenario is that it allows you to provide access to different application libraries at the same time.


The steps described below are NOT necessary if you want to operate

  • different versions of the ADOIT (e.g. ADOIT 16.0 and ADOIT 17.0) or

  • Installations of different BOC Management Office products

on a single machine. Sufficient separation of these instances is inherently provided.

Before you start, stop the Apache Tomcat web server.

Create a new deployment of ADOIT 17.0: You cannot run multiple instances of the ADOIT 17.0 from the same installation directory. Therefore:

  • Copy ADOIT 17.0 to a new folder.

Next, the copied instance of ADOIT 17.0 is adapted so that it can run on the same machine as the original instance. The below configuration steps helps you achieve this.

Adapt the Application Server: The ADOIT application server configuration has to be adapted:

  • Edit the configuration file server.conf in the folder "<ADOIT installation>/conf".

The configuration parameters that have to be adapted are listed below:

  • ports: Enter a unique port for each ADOIT application server. In case of load balanced scenarios, enter a unique port for every aworker process that should be started by a ADOIT application server.

  • The name under which the ADOIT application server is installed as a Windows service. Enter a unique service name here.

  • service.display_name: The service display name is used, e.g., in the Service Control Manager to provide a user-readable descriptive name for the service. Enter a unique service display name here.

  • service.description: The service description is used to describe the purpose of the installed service to the user. Enter a unique service description here.

Install ADOIT Application Server as a Service: Make sure that each ADOIT application server is run under a different Windows user account.

  • Open the Windows Command Prompt and navigate to "<ADOIT installation>". Notice that the installing user must have administrator rights on the target machine.

  • Type aserver.exe -i [-u username -pw password] to install the Windows Service and simultaneously assign a user under which it will run.

Install ADOIT Web Application: Next, you have to deploy a copy of the ADOIT 17.0 web application archive to the Apache Tomcat web server:

  • Rename the web application archive ADOIT17_0.war before you copy it to the folder <Tomcat installation>/webapps“.

Adapt the Apache Tomcat Web Server: Adapt the settings for the login procedure on the web server side:

  • Open the folder <Tomcat installation>/webapps“ and open the file ADOIT17_0.war with a file archiver. Edit the file which can be found inside. Save the changes afterwards.

The configuration parameters that have to be adapted are listed below:

  • aservers: Enter the port for the ADOIT application server which you specified earlier in the file server.conf.

Next, you have to adapt the configuration of the logback logging component, so that the application messages of the ADOIT 17.0 web applications are logged into different files:

  • Open the folder <Tomcat installation>/webapps“ and open the renamed web application archive with a file archiver. Edit the file WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml which can be found inside.

  • Rename all occurrences of ADOIT17_0 and ADOIT 17.0. Save the changes afterwards.

Done! Now you can start the services and start using ADOIT.