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Version: 17.1

Reset Password of User "Admin"

In case the password of the super user Admin has been forgotten, it can be reset to the value password. Follow these steps on the machine where the application server is installed:

  1. Open the Command Prompt as administrator. Press <Windows> + <R> to open the Run box, enter cmd, and then press <Ctrl> + <Shift> + <Enter>.

  2. Navigate to the application server installation directory.

  3. Run the following command after replacing the placeholders in angle brackets (<>) with your actual values:

    .\amain.exe -mode install -db <my-database-name> -dbadmin <my-database-admin-name> -dbadminpw <my-database-admin-password> -dt <SQLServer|PostgreSQL|Oracle> -resetadminpwd

Here is an explanation of the placeholders in the command:

  • <my-database-name>: The name of your database.

  • <my-database-admin-name>: The username of your database administrator.

  • <my-database-admin-password>: The password of your database administrator.

  • <SQLServer|PostgreSQL|Oracle>: The type of your database management system (choose one: SQLServer, PostgreSQL, Oracle).


.\amain.exe -mode install -db adodb -dbadmin sa -dbadminpw secret -dt SQLServer -resetadminpwd