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Version: 13.0

Initialize Database

To initialize a manually created database (see Create Database), start Create a new database in the ADONIS-section of the start menu or execute adbinstws.exe in the ADONIS installation directory.

  1. Select Create new database and click Next.

  2. Enter the name of the ODBC data source or net service name in the field Database name and select the used database system (SQL Server or Oracle).

  3. In the fields Library File and License File the corresponding files should be selected, which are provided by your ADONIS consultant. The file extension of the library file is “*.axl” and the extension of the license file is “*.xxl”.


    If the active user does not have administrator rights to the database, you may uncheck Trusted connection and enter the username and password of the database administrator in the now available fields.

    Check Use customary DB user if you wish to connect to the database with a user that is not “ADOxx”. Enter username and password of the customary user in the now available fields.

  4. Deactivate Create new database (just for manually created databases) and let Create tables checked. Click Create to initialize the database.


In addition to using the Library File provided by your ADONIS consultant you can also import the ADONIS BPMS Application Library. The respective file can be found in the folder “04 Sample Data“ on the installation medium.