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Version : 14.1

How do I find the ID of an object, model, user or search?

The UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) concept ensures that a unique ID is assigned to each object when it is created. Depending on the case, the ID can be determined via the web client and/or the Administration Toolkit (ATK).

Which IDs can I determine via web client or Administration Toolkit (ATK)?

IDsWebclientAdministration Toolkit
Saved searches✔️

Determination via web client


Step 1: Open the model whose ID you want to know and click on Share (1) at the top right.Share button is located at the right in GUI
Step 2: Copy the URL from the field Copy link.Copy the URL from the second field
Step 3: You will receive the following URL, for example:https://ADOxx:8080/j2c5e41b197c341ac80021d7?repoid=a8bdfa71-4d18-4ea7-b63d-37b4ac8fd331&id=3a08368b-b7f5-4f8f-8cee-a880edebb850&libObjID=14a6bed2-071f-42af-afc7-9b00e6ae97a2&at=1&t=view&vt=graphical&scenarioID=anp_scenario_1_design_and_document&lang=en
Step 4: The ID of the model starts after the id=.In the example given: 3a08368b-b7f5-4f8f-8cee-a880edebb850.


Step 1: Open the object whose ID you want to know and click on Share (1).Share button is located at the top right of the GUI
Step 2: Copy the URL from the field Copy link.Copy the URL from the second field
Step 3: You will receive the following URL, for example:https://ADOxx:8080/tdd2f3218656c417293cd8d1?repoid=778afdac-7021-472d-91f0-5d7282c017be&id=9a81af8b-2283-4b39-9dc7-faba028891f6&libObjID=f803b58d-9ade-4e59-9c85-193af44d5461&at=0&rid=9a81af8b-2283-4b39-9dc7-faba028891f6&t=nb&scenarioID=anp_scenario_1_design_and_document&lang=de
Step 4: The ID of the object starts after the id=.In the example given 9a81af8b-2283-4b39-9dc7-faba028891f6.

Saved searches

Step 1: Switch to the Find (1) tab and select My Searches (2).In the webclient, click on the top on find and then my searches
Step 2: Make sure that the search is visible for all users and that the option Public (3) is activated.The button public has to be black
Step 3: Select the search whose ID you want to find out and click Share (4).Share button is located to the bottom right in of the popoup
Step 4: Copy the URL from the Copy link field.Copy the URL from the second field
Step 5: You will receive the following URL, for example:https://ADOxx:8080/tdd2f3218656c417293cd8d1?sqid=02cbc927-549e-4650-89ea-80dfb3eb1bac&repoid=778afdac-7021-472d-91f0-5d7282c017be&scenarioID=anp_scenario_1_design_and_document&lang=de
Step 6 The ID of the saved search starts after the example 02cbc927-549e-4650-89ea-80dfb3eb1bac.

Determination via Administration Toolkit (ATK)


Step 1: Open the Administration Toolkit (ATK) and select the Repository Management (1).On the left side, click on "Repository management module" Click here to enlarge
Step 2: Switch to the Object Catalogue (2) navigate to the object whose ID you want to find out and right-click (3).Click on the object catalogue, search fot the user, perform a right click Click here to enlarge
Step 3: Finally, select Copy ID to clipboard (4) to get the ID.the 4th option from the bottom is used for copying the ID Click here to enlarge


Step 1: Open the Administration Toolkit (ATK), and select the Repository Management (1).On the left side, click on "Repository management module" Click here to enlarge
Step 2: Switch to the Model Catalogue (2) navigate to the model whose ID you want to find out and right-click (3).Perform a right click on the model Click here to enlarge
Step 3: Finally, select Copy ID to clipboard (4) to get the ID.the 4th option from the bottom is used for copying the ID Click here to enlarge


Step 1: Open the Administration Toolkit (ATK) and select User Management (1).On the left side, click on "User Management module" Click here to enlarge
Step 2: Navigate to the user whose ID you want to find out and right-click (2).Perform a right click on the user Click here to enlarge
Step 3: Finally, select Copy ID to clipboard (3) to get the ID.the 4th option from the bottom is used for copying the ID Click here to enlarge