"Always Show Latest Released Version" Option
Certain macros offer the option to always show the latest version of a model or object. These are the Model Image, Model Viewer and the Object & Model Properties macros.
Whe configuring these macros you will find a checkbox
By selecting this checkbox the macro will always try to determine if there is a newer version of the model or object which is already in state Released.
For example, you configure the Model Viewer macro and select a model which is currently in version 1.0. While a new draft is created and this draft is then sent to methodical / business review, Confluence will still show the released model version 1.0. Once the model has been released in your BOC product, Confluence will automatically show the new version 2.0.
For this feature to work properly, the Technical user which retrieves data from ADONIS/ADOIT to display in Confluence needs to have the necessary permissions to find the model and then determine if there is a newer version. This means that access to the version which was initially selected and to all following versions up to the current version. Each model has a property "Successor" which points to the next version in the chain.
In a standard installation, where models and objects are archived after a new version has been released, this will mean that the Technical user will need access to the "Archive" group and artefacts in the state "Archived". It is possible to remove access to other states if there is a requirement that the Technical user must not be able to access any models which are not yet released. The easiest way to achieve this is to open the settings for the model release workflow and on the page "Configuration of RWF roles" create a new role. This role is then granted access to archived and released models but denied access to all other states. After that, the new RWF role has to be assigned to the Technical user and all other RWF roles removed.
The object release workflow works slightly different, in this case the Technical user needs only access to the intially selected object and the latest released version, the entire chain of released objects is not needed. In a practical situation this will not make a difference because the Technical user will still need access to the initially selected version which will be in state "Archived" once a newer release exists. For objects it is not directly possible to limit access to certain release workflow states because the object release workflow cannot be configured in the same way as for models. If there is need to add such a configuration for objects, please contact your BOC consultant.