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Version: 17.0

Welcome to ADOIT!

Thank you for choosing ADOIT! To help you get started and set up your system as easily as possible, we have created this Quick Start Guide. It will guide you through the most important initial steps so you can quickly start working in ADOIT with your colleagues!


You don’t need to follow the steps in the exact order described here. Simply review them - you might decide to prioritize or skip certain steps.

The First Email

You have received an email with your login credentials provided in a secure PDF file. This email also contains the contact details of your BOC representative, who can assist you at every step - whether it’s for the steps in this Quick Start Guide or any questions you might have later!

Login & Initial Administrative Tasks

For your first login, click the gear icon above the username field to access the administration. Use the login details provided in the email PDF. After logging in, you will be prompted to change the password - make sure to remember the new one! You will now see the ADOIT Administration.

Just a few steps remain before you can get started! Initially, you’ll need to define a basic folder structure, create user groups, and assign permissions. No need to worry - we’ve already prepared this for you! The so called “Migration Package” simplifies the process. You just need to import a file to have the essential settings pre-installed. You can download the Quick Start Migration Package here.

Importing the Quick Start Migration Package:

  • In the Administration interface, navigate to Repositories and click the More Options button in the top-right corner, then select Import Migration PackageUpload the downloaded Quick Start Migration Package either via drag-and-drop or file selection. Insert the Migration Package into the active default repository:

    Import migration package

  • For additional details, refer to our Online-Help, where you can also familiarize yourself with the terminology for repositories and migration packages. See the articles: What are Repositories? , What is a Migration Package?


If the import is successful, you will have achieved the following:

1) A folder structure for objects

2) A folder structure for models

3) Initial user groups

4) Initial permission settings

You can always modify structures, permissions, etc., later. This is covered further down in the guide. You will also find a dummy user named "arch" in your user groups, which is important for importing example models later. You can ignore it for now.

Create a Super-User for Yourself

The user account you have been using so far may not meet your company’s policies. Later, we will explain how to set up Single Sign-On (SSO) and SAML.

Prepare for this by creating a user account that complies with your company’s policies.


Ideally, use the standard user name used in the company, such as your Windows user name or your e-mail address. This makes it easier to integrate into the directory service later on. If you are unsure, it is best to contact the IT service desk.

Here’s how to proceed:

  • Log in to the Administration interface

  • Click on Users

  • Create a new user:

    • Under General, define the username, password, etc.

    • Under Groups and Roles, assign the user to the Administrator group.

    • Under Repository, select the Default Repository.

For more details on creating new users and what each setting means, refer to the documentation here.

If you would like your BOC representative to have access to your ADOIT instance to better support you with any issues or questions, we have already created a user account for your customer manager. You only need to activate this account in the Administration interface. You can find instructions on editing users in our online help.

Take a Look Around

Log out of the Administration interface and log in to ADOIT with your newly created super-user account.

You are now in the Design & Document scenario and can explore the interface. Click on “Find” in the main menu.

In ADOIT, there are two important catalogs:

  • Object Catalog: This manages elements like business processes and application components in a folder structure.

  • Model Catalog: This organizes diagrams (known as models).

We have already predefined a simple folder structure for objects and models. Take a look at this structure.

Folder structure for objects and models

The folders are also related to the permission structure, but we will address this later.

For more information about the Object and Model Explorer, refer to our Online-Help.


You can modify and refine these structures later using the Model and Object Organizer. More details are available in our Online-Help. Take a quick look now, though you don’t need to make changes just yet.

Would you like to see an example?

We have prepared example models from five different industries - known as the ADOIT Sample Models. Each includes three models, an analysis model, and a workspace. Simply import one file to review them. Use the links below to download the sample models directly:

The following sample models are available for download:

Structure of the Sample Models:

  • Capability Map

  • Operating Model

  • Application Landscape

  • Analysis with a portfolio view of application components

  • Pre-configured workspace in the Workspaces scenario

    Sample model

Steps to Import Sample Models:

  • Download a sample model from above

  • In the Administration interface, navigate to Repositories, click “More Options”, then “Import Repository”.

  • Import the model as an Independent Repository (select the first option in the import settings).

  • It is also important that your user has rights to the new repository. You must set this again under “Users” in the administration. Select your super user and click on edit. Under “Repository” you must now select the appropriate repository. You can find more information on this in our Online-Help.

  • After you have imported your sample model and given your user access rights, log out of the administration and log into ADOIT. Select the sample model you downloaded. You should now see the following in the Explorer:

    Sample model example


You have full write access to the sample model. You can use this repository for testing and trials. The initial repository “Standard repository” is your production environment.

Great, everything is ready for you!

Next, we'll take care of your colleagues.


Before we create new users, let's first take a quick look at the existing user groups. You can find these again in the administration under Users.

You can control the authorizations of your users via so-called user groups. We have already prepared the following user groups for you during installation:

User groups

  • Reader: Users assigned to this group only have read access.

  • User: Users assigned to this group have full write access.

  • Administrator: Users in this group have full write access and also access to the administration.

  • We do not need the user groups “Standard group” and “pp123456” at the moment.

Create users for the members of your core team

Normally you will manage your ADOIT accounts via SAML. This usually takes a little longer, as some clarifications have to be made.

We therefore recommend that you create your first users manually. So that you don't have to do this individually, we have prepared an Excel template that you can download and enter all your users. Then all you have to do is import them and the user accounts for your colleagues are created in ADOIT!

Later, these steps will be replaced by an automated SAML connection.

To do this, log in to the administration, navigate to “Users”, then click on “More options” and “Import users from Excel” at the top right. Download the template “ImportUsers.xlsx”.

Import user from Excel

Enter all users who are to work with ADOIT in the start phase. All other users will be created automatically via SAML in the future.

You typically give the core team members write permissions. You can of course restrict this later.


Use the usual usernames in the company, often the e-mail address or the Windows login name. This is important. If SAML is set up later, the usernames must match those of SAML, otherwise additional migration steps will be required.

Now you have to upload the file with the registered users again. Use the following import options:

  • Select the “Trusted login” checkbox. (You can read why and why this is important here)

  • For user groups: User (this gives your core team write access to models and objects)

  • Under “Repositories and object groups”: Standard repository and objects

  • Then click on “Upload file”

    SAML file upload

Assign scenarios to your users

There are named-use scenario licenses in ADOIT. Named-use scenario licenses define the users who can use a scenario. Scenarios are the main components of ADOIT. There are:

  • Design & Document

  • Read & Explore

  • Workspaces

This is how you assign scenarios to users:

  • Go to Administration > Users > Select a user > Edit (3 points) > Named-Use user

  • Select the desired scenario in the “Select scenarios” field and then click on “Select”


The users are now configured. Now distribute the ADOIT URL to your users by email and inform them of their user name. The users can reset their password via “Forgot password”.

Great, your colleagues are now on board too! Show them the most important tricks.


The following steps will save you time. Keep going! You're almost there!

Import existing data via Excel interface

Do you already have architectural information? In Excel format? Use our Excel templates to import the information into ADOIT:

Excel import

You can find our template directly in the Object Explorer: Select the folder into which you want to import the data by clicking once, then open the context menu at the top right of the Explorer (the 3 dots) and select “Import/Export” -> “Import objects from Excel...”. Then download the template using the download icon. Now you can fill it with your existing architectural information and then upload it again.

You can find more information in our online help!


Of course, you can also customize the template. You can find more information on this here.

Reduce modeling complexity with metamodel profiles

There are many elements and relationships in ArchiMate. At the beginning, your team will only use a few of them. We therefore offer so-called metamodel profiles. They serve as a kind of filter for elements and relationships. All our predefined views, analyses, examples and templates are based on this filter.

Metamodel profile


You can find more information about metamodel profiles here.

The “ADOIT for fans of lean architecture” profile is the one commonly used. In this profile, we have reduced the relationships that can be drawn between two classes to exactly one relationship as far as possible. We recommend using this profile as a starting point. You can expand or further restrict it later depending on your individual use case. You can find more information here.

Prepare the SAML integration

To set up Single-Sign-On (SSO) on your BOC SaaS account (SP) and your SAML Identity Provider (IdP), some preliminary work is required. Please prepare the following and send us the details up to 24 hours before the first scheduled customer meeting.

We need the following from your SSO technical team:

The following claims should be configured in your SAML Identity Provider (IdP):

  • Username = E-mail address
  • First name
  • Last name
  • E-mail address
  • Groups

After configuring the Identity Provider (IdP), you need to think about the AD groups to be configured: In ADOIT we have the following user groups by default:

  • Administrators

  • Readers

  • Users

Please talk to your administrator about possible AD groups. You will probably add a few more in the course of further configuration. For more information, please ask your BOC contact person.

  • We also require the necessary information from the customer IdP:

    • IdP URL

    • Token signing certificate

    • The “metadata.xml” file or the metadata URL

    • The names of the configured claim attributes

  • If your IdP endpoint is not accessible via the internet, we need someone on your side to test it. Please provide us with the contact information of a possible test assistant.

  • Once you have collected all the important information, we would ask you to contact your BOC contact person. They will provide you with a secure file exchange service through which you can upload all the necessary files and information. For this we also need a telephone number from your side. Please also provide this to your BOC contact person.

Once we have received the required data, we configure SAML. First, it is set up as a secondary authentication method to avoid any impact on the productive use of your instance. After successful testing during the session, SAML will be enabled as the default authentication method. If you have any further questions on this topic, you can always contact your BOC contact person!

Activate ADOIT Forms

ADOIT Forms is a new feature in ADOIT designed to simplify the data management process. Unlike a traditional modeling interface that requires a deeper understanding of EA concepts and ArchiMate, ADOIT Forms provides a user-friendly, form-based interface. This allows users who are less familiar with ADOIT or enterprise architecture to easily enter and update data without the need for EA training.


Activate ADOIT Forms:

  • ADOIT Forms runs in SaaS mode. No further installation is therefore required. To activate Forms, log in to the administration.

  • Navigate to “Settings” and click on “ADOIT Forms” in the list on the left.

  • You can now activate Forms at the touch of a button. All required settings for OAuth, REST and CORS are automatically configured in the background.


More information on installing ADOIT Forms can be found here. You can find out which rights or licenses your users need here.

The most important steps are done!


Great, you have successfully completed the most important first steps. You can now discuss the next steps with your BOC contact person. Here is a small list of useful features and settings that we would recommend at the beginning. Just ask your BOC contact person!

Find inspiration here: ADOIT Blog & EA Resources

Now that everything is set up, you're probably wondering what else you can do. Check out our blogs for more ideas and our EA Resources for more free whitepapers, webinars, posters, etc. to deepen your knowledge.