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Version: 16.1

Integrate Machine Translation Service into ADONIS

Integrate a machine translation (MT) service into ADONIS to allow users to auto-translate models and objects. All MT services are web-based. Therefore, the machine running the ADONIS web application must be able to connect to the Internet.

Currently, ADONIS supports integration of Microsoft Translator out of the box. If you want to integrate a different MT service into ADONIS, please do not hesitate to contact your ADONIS consultant.

Integrate Microsoft Translator

A successful integration of Microsoft Translator into ADONIS requires the following steps:

Assign Web Module to System Roles

Assign the following web module for all users or for certain system roles in the ADONIS Administration:

  • Translation Service Microsoft

How to assign web modules is described in the Administration Help.

Sign up for Microsoft Translator and get credentials

In order to sign up for Microsoft Translator and get credentials:

  • Create a Microsoft Azure account (unless you already have one).

  • Go to and sign in to the Azure portal.

  • Add a Microsoft Translator API subscription to your Azure account (API type "Translator Text API"). You can subscribe to the free 2,000,000 characters/month level to get started.

  • Your credentials consist of a key to access the service.

Adapt the Apache Tomcat Web Server

Adapt the settings for the login procedure on the web server side:

  • Open the folder <Tomcat installation>/webapps“ and open the file ADONIS16_1.war with a file archiver. Edit the file which can be found inside. Save the changes afterwards.

The configuration parameters that have to be adapted are listed below:

  • Enter the key to access the Microsoft Translator service. The key must be encrypted with an encryption tool which can be found in the directory "03 Web Application\03 Tools\02 Password Encryption Tool" in the installation package.

When using a multi-service subscription key with the Microsoft Translator service, you must include the region:

  • Enter the subscription region of your multi-service subscription key.

For a list of regions, see the Microsoft Azure documentation.

When using Azure Active Directory (AAD) for authentication, you must include the subdomain:

  • Enter the subdomain associated with your resource.

If a proxy server is in use, the following additional settings have to be adapted:

  • http_proxy_ip: Enter the IP address of your proxy server.

  • http_proxy_port: Enter the port of your proxy server.

Done! Stop the Apache Tomcat web server and delete the folder <Tomcat installation>/webapps/ADONIS16_1“. The machine must be able to connect to the Internet now. Restart the Apache Tomcat web server. You can use Microsoft Translator in ADONIS now.