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Version: 16.2

ADONIS Method and Metamodel

This chapter provides a brief overview of the standard method used in ADONIS and the metamodel.

BPMN Fit for Business

ADONIS provides a best practice method for business process modelling (BPM) out of the box. This method is called BPMN fit for business.

BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) is an internationally standardized modelling language for mapping processes. Technical workflows can be modelled easily, intuitively and quickly in a uniform notation. At the same time, however, it also offers the possibility to express complex flows and structures.

In ADONIS, we have succeeded in anchoring additional professional content in addition to the implementation of the official BPMN 2.0 specification. Our "fit for business" extensions make the work in BPMN 2.0 even more user-friendly and enable scenarios beyond pure process modelling as well as powerful analyses.

The following image shows the core elements for typical BPM scenarios (the full metamodel is more extensive):

 BPMN Fit for Business

Other Modelling Methods

Besides BPMN Fit for Business, many other methods are supported. The metamodel of ADONIS can be configured to optimally suit any particular requirements through customising of the Application Library.

Why use Business Process Modelling?

Processes play a substantial role within every organisation. Whether it's guiding daily operations in the form of detailed work instructions, being a cornerstone in quality management and operational excellence, or providing an audit-proof documentation and proof of compliance at the same time, process documentation needs to be in order to assure that you have everything under control.

ADONIS allows you to create a Digital Twin of your organisation. The models and assets in your BPM repository allow you to contextualize enterprise assets, such as processes, IT systems, organisational units, roles, risks, and more. By linking to operational data from live systems, you can create an even more complete picture of your business, allowing for a more thorough baseline for decision making.