The Tools menu provide access to two types of settings:
The following settings are available in this section:
System Preferences: Managing system preferences.
File Management: Managing auxiliary files in the database; interface to the file system of the computer or network.
Update Database Statistics: Optimising the database content structuring.
Analyse Bandwidth: Analysing the bandwidth and response times between the ADOIT application server and the database server.
Licence Overview: Summary of used and available scenario licence slots.
Script Execution: Using external scripts.
Server: Managing server restarts and server-related functionality.
The following settings are available in this section:
Information: Downloading a support information package (SIP) containing logging and system information.
Debug Mode: Managing debug mode.
Maintenance: Managing maintenance mode.
Repository Statistics: View information about your ADOIT deployment.
System Preferences
To access the system preferences:
- Go to Home > More options, and then click System Preferences.
The System Preferences window opens. It contains the following tabs:
Security Settings: Password strength and login settings.
Audit Log: Enable the audit log.
These tabs are discussed in more detail in the following sections.
Security Settings
The following options are available:
Password Strength Settings
Here you can customise the password strength settings. The following options are available:
Minimal password strength: ADOIT determines the strength of passwords based on their length, complexity, and predictability and assigns them a value of 0 - 100%. Here you can set the minimum strength passwords must have: from very weak (0%), weak (20%), good (40%), strong (60%) to very strong (80%).
Custom password rule: By default, a new password must have at least 8 characters and contain at least one digit (e.g. 0-9) and uppercase as well as lowercase characters (e.g. A-Z, a-z). You can change this setting and specify a custom password rule via a regular expression pattern.
Examples of custom password rules
Passwords should have at least 5 characters and contain a lowercase character (e.g. a-z). The Custom password rule field should therefore read:
Passwords should have at least 8 characters and contain a digit (e.g. 0-9), a lowercase character (e.g. a-z) and an uppercase character (e.g. A-Z). The Custom password rule field should therefore read:
Number of not allowed previous passwords: Specify the number of previous passwords that are stored by ADOIT and must not be reused on password change.
Maximum password age (days): Specify the period of time (in days) that a password can be used before ADOIT requires the user to change it.
Minimum password age (days): Specify the period of time (in days) that a password must be used before the user can change it.
Passwords must meet the minimum password strength settings (e.g., reach 60%) AND match the custom password rule (e.g., contain at least 8 characters and contain numeric and uppercase and lowercase characters).
Login Settings
Here you can customise security relevant login settings. The following options are available:
- Number of allowed login failures: Choose a maximal number of allowed login failures before a user is disabled and cannot log in anymore.
System Preferences – Audit Log
Please refer to the section Enable Audit Log for details.
File Management
This tool allows managing auxiliary files (graphic files, scripts…) in the database. To open the file manager:
- Go to Home > More options, and then click File Management.
The Database File Management window opens. The following functions are available:
Search: Search for a file or folder in the database.
File and Folder Management: Create new folders, cut and paste files, rename files and folders, delete files and folders, refresh the content of the catalogue.
Export: Export files and folders from the database into the file system.
Import: Import external files into the database.
Only the super user Admin has full access to all files in the database.
Update Database Statistics
The contents of the database are subject to permanent change: models and objects are created and deleted, libraries imported and much more. Every action creates new information which - over time - slows down the database access. Therefore, it is advisable to update the catalogue statistics of the database system either after major reorganisations or periodically.
Database catalogue statistics are data about the distribution of table and index values which are consulted by the database system for query optimisation. Up-to-date catalogue statistics lead to more efficient execution plans resulting in considerably shorter system response times and thus speeding up the user's work.
To update the database statistics:
Go to Home > More options, and then click Update database statistics
Optional: Adapt the Maintenance method and Topic (table group) settings.
Click Execute.
Updating the database statistics can take a while. During the update other users will experience significant slowdowns in the database communication with ADOIT. Therefore, we recommend not updating the database statistics during times of heavy use.
Maintenance Method
When you update the database statistics, you can select the maintenance method:
Default settings: These are the default settings as defined in the configuration file
in the folder "<ADOIT installation>/conf".Statistics update: The database catalogue statistics are updated, while the indexes are not defragmented.
Defragmentation on leaf level: The indexes are defragmented on leaf level, and the database catalogue statistics are updated.
Index rebuild: The complete index is defragmented.
Index rebuild (online):: The complete index is defragmented while the index remains online. Not available for Oracle or PostgreSQL databases.
Topic (Table Group)
When you update the database statistics, you can select for which database tables the selected maintenance method should be performed:
All: Maintenance is performed for all database tables.
Migration (all data tables except library definition): Maintenance is performed for all database tables containing ADOIT data which are relevant for migrations.
Repository (repository list, groups, models, objects and users, relations): Maintenance is performed for all database tables which contain repository data including the repository list.
Models (groups, models, objects and users, relations): Maintenance is performed for all database tables which contain repository data excluding the repository list.
Objects (groups, objects and users, relations): Maintenance is performed for all database tables which contain object data.
Users (groups, objects and users, rights and system roles; no relations): Maintenance is performed for all database tables which contain user data.
Metamodel (library definition): Maintenance is performed for all database tables which contain the metamodel definition.
Analyse Bandwidth
This function allows you to perform a quick, superficial analysis of the bandwidth and response times between the ADOIT application server and the database server. To analyse the bandwidth:
Go to Home > More options, and then click Analyse Bandwidth.
Click Start.
Three files (1KB, 1MB, 10MB) will be generated in the user's temp directory. Then ADOIT measures how long it takes to
upload the files to the database (a temp directory will be created in the database),
download the files from the database and
delete the files from the database.
When the analysis is completed, you can compare your results with the reference values.
Licence Overview
This page shows you at a glance the total number of available scenario licences as well as the number of scenario licences currently in use. You can also find out quickly about all active ADOIT users including the time of login and the time of the last action. To open the Licence Overview page:
- Go to Home > More options, and then click Licence Overview.
If you have questions about the different types of licences or the difference between concurrent users and named users, please refer to the sections Product Licences vs. Scenario Licences and Named Users vs. Concurrent Users.
You can control whether actual login names are shown in this widget by setting the parameter
ADOXX_WEB_TRACK_LOGINS in the file adoxx_web_conf.js
to true/false. This file can be found in the
folder “<ADOIT installation>\conf”.
Script Execution
From time to time it can be advantageous to make small modifications of the ADOIT configuration without having to perform a full product configuration life cycle. The function Script Execution allows wrapping the changes into a JavaScript and applying them online.
To execute a JavaScript:
Go to Home > More options, and then click Script Execution.
Click Browse and select the script you want to execute. You can also drag a file from your computer to the Drag and drop files here to upload area.
Select Execute on server to execute the script on the application server. When this option is disabled, the script is executed in the web browser. If you are unsure which option to select, please contact a BOC employee.
Click Execute Script.
Only import tested JavaScripts which you have received from a BOC employee!
This page allows you to perform various maintenance tasks. To open the Server page:
- Go to Home > More options, and then click Server.
The following functionalities are available:
Restart Environment: Restart the application server and the web application. All users will be logged out. As soon as the application server is up and running again, and the web application is completely initialised, login is possible again.
Restart Web Application: Restart the web application. All ADOIT users will be logged out. As soon as the web application is completely initialised, login is possible again.
Re-intialise search index: Reinitialize the search index if you if you are encountering problems with the search function in ADOIT. Depending on the number of models and objects in the database this process may take a few minutes.
Start LDAP synchronisation: Start the synchronization of users with an LDAP-compliant directory service according to the configuration specified in the ADOIT Administration. The synchronization is triggered for all configured domains. During the synchronization, a progress bar provides information on the current status. After the synchronization, all newly synchronized users and any error codes are displayed for each domain.
noteFor questions about the necessary steps to enable synchronization, please refer to the Installation Manual.
Clear LDAP Cache: When synchronization of users with an LDAP-compliant directory service is enabled and the option
is enabled for one or more LDAP properties, ADOIT is caching results to speed up performance. To detect changes in the directory structure, this cache is automatically cleared when the web application is restarted, when you start LDAP synchronization here in the ADOIT Administration, or when a periodic synchronization of users with LDAP is triggered.Use this button to clear the LDAP cache if
is enabled, there are changes in the directory structure, and you want to make sure that users that log in to ADOIT for the first time will be assigned correctly to system roles, user groups and repositories.
This page allows you to download support information packages in different sizes. A support information package contains log files of the application server, log files of the web server including the web application as well as configuration files within an encrypted Zip archive. To open the Information page:
- Go to Home > More options, and then click Information.
The following sizes are available:
Support Package SMALL: Downloads log files from the last 24 hours.
Support Package MEDIUM: Downloads log files from the last week.
Support Package LARGE: Downloads all log files.
Download Support Information Package when Access to the ADOIT Administration is not possible
You can still download the support package when the ADOIT Administration cannot be reached in case of an error. In order to do so:
- Open a web browser and navigate to "http://<SERVER_NAME>:<TOMCAT_PORT>/ADOIT17_2/supportinformation".
<SERVER_NAME> is the name of the server machine, <TOMCAT_PORT> is the port at which Apache Tomcat is accessible (by default this is 8000).
If you are running ADOIT locally, the URL should look like this:
You can modify the URL to only download log files from a certain time period. In order to do this, add ?logType=<PARAMETER> to the URL. The following parameters that correspond to the package sizes listed above are available: "small", "medium" and "large".
If you are running ADOIT locally and you want to download log files from the last 24 hours, the URL should look like this:
Please provide these log files when you contact our support team.
Debug Mode
This page allows you to activate the debug mode. The debug mode influences various details in the behaviour of the application and can be used for error analysis. To open the Debug Mode page:
- Go to Home > More options, and then click Debug Mode.
The following functionalities are available:
Activate Debug Mode
To activate the debug mode:
- Click Activate. Enter a duration and, optionally, a reason. Then, click OK.
The debug mode will automatically deactivate after the selected timespan.
Change Duration
To change the duration of the debug mode:
- Click Change duration. Modify the duration as needed. Then, click OK.
Deactivate Debug Mode
To deactivate the debug mode:
- Click Deactivate.
The debug mode should never be permanently enabled! It is recommended to only activate the debug mode on request of a BOC employee.
This page allows you to enable maintenance mode. Maintenance mode eases the planning of maintenance windows. To open the Maintenance page:
- Go to Home > More options, and then click Maintenance.
The following functionalities are available:
Activate Maintenance Mode
To activate maintenance mode:
Click Activate.
Choose further options based on your preference:
To log out all regular ADOIT users right now, click Log out all non-admin users.
To keep maintenance mode enabled even if the web application or the entire environment are later restarted on the Server page, select Keep maintenance mode active after restart.
Click Close.
With maintenance mode is enabled, no further logins to the web application will be allowed and a corresponding message will be displayed. The ADOIT Administration is excluded from maintenance mode and can still be used.
Deactivate Maintenance Mode
To deactivate maintenance mode:
- Click Deactivate.
Repository Statistics
View information about your ADOIT deployment. To open the repository statistics:
- Go to Home > More options, and then click Repository Statistics.
The Scenario Data window opens. The following data is displayed:
Product Information: Details about the product, including name, version, platform version, and database schema.
General Information: Information about the database, application libraries, repositories, current repository and application library, and available UI languages.
User Information: Data about the number of users, the current user’s username, name, and type.
License Information: Details on licensed scenarios, including IDs, user limits, and advanced components with their IDs.
Repository Contents: Statistics on repositories, including application library, content languages, primary language, and counts for models, objects, relations, and groups. Detailed breakdowns of the number of instances in the database for each model type, object type, and relation type are also included.