Configure Allowed File Types for Document Management
ADONIS allows the import and management of external files in the database (DMS functionality). For this purpose, you can define a whitelist of file extensions. Only file types that are specified in the whitelist may be uploaded.
For security reasons, only a very restricted set of file types may be added to the whitelists by default. To configure what file types are eligible, you need to customize a configuration file. In order to do so:
Open the folder “<Tomcat installation>/webapps“ and open the file
with a file archiver. Edit the fileWEB-INF/web.xml
which can be found inside.In both of the following sections, the parameter <param-value> specifies a comma separated list of allowed file types. Change the value of this parameter in these sections as needed. Save the changes afterwards.
Section 1:
Section 1
<description>Extensions allowed for uploading files</description>
<param-value>doc,docx,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx,csv,txt,pdf,rtf,png,jpg,gif,jpeg,bmp,zip,rar,7z,axr, xml,bpmn</param-value>
Section 2:
Section 2
<servlet-name>View Upload Servlet</servlet-name>
<param-value>doc,docx,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx,csv,txt,pdf,rtf,png,jpg,gif,jpeg,bmp,zip,rar,7z,axr, xml,bpmn</param-value>
The ADONIS web application running on the web server has to be restarted if these settings are changed. Otherwise the changes will not become effective.