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Version: 16.0

Validation Checks Overview

The validation functions in ADONIS allow you to check your models and objects for compliance with modelling guidelines. This chapter provides an overview of all individual checks across the different categories.

The categories in detail:

BPM Best Practice

The BPM Best practice category consists of the following checks:

TextHintRelated toTypeName of the configuration in the ADONIS Administration
One Gateway should not split and merge sequence flows at the same time.For clarity and to avoid possible deadlocks or multi-merges use one Gateway to join paths and another Gateway to split into several paths again.Exclusive Gateway, Non-exclusive GatewayWarningGateways: no split and merge at same Gateway
A Gateway should have either a) one incoming and at least 2 outgoing sequence flows or b) one outgoing and at least 2 incoming sequence flows.For clarity and to avoid possible deadlocks or multi-merges change your process model accordingly.Exclusive Gateway, Non-exclusive GatewayWarningGateways: in-/outgoing sequence flows
A task should always have one outgoing sequence flow. Eventual decisions should be modeled explicitly by using Gateways to split the control flow.Change the model to have exactly one outgoing sequence flow from a Task. In case you need to model a decision and split the control flow, use the Gateway to do so.TaskWarningEnsure 1 sequence flow going out of Tasks, modeling explicit decisions
A start event should always have one outgoing sequence flow. Eventual decisions should be modeled explicitly by using Gateways to split the control flow.Change the model to have exactly one outgoing sequence flow from the start event. In case you need to model a decision and split the control flow, use the Gateway to do so.Start EventWarningExplicit decisions, only 1 sequence flow going out of start event
An intermediate event should always have one outgoing sequence flow.Change the model to have exactly one outgoing sequence flow from the intermediate event.Intermediate Event (sequence flow)WarningExplicit decisions, only 1 sequence flow going out of Intermediate event
Confirm that all transition conditions (after Gateways) refer to the question posed at the Gateway. Also check logical coherence, i.e. that all possible cases are covered by the conditions.Business Process DiagramToDoConditions (after XOR and OR Gateways) [also: category Process Release Confirmation]
Each process diagram should have at least one start and one end event.Identify the borders of the process, i.e. what triggers it and when does it end. Model these events with at least one start and end event. For different end states. E.g. as part of different paths in the process, it is recommended to model an end event for each state (e.g. Application processed, Application refused).Business Process DiagramWarningStart and End event existing
Naming guidelines (Task): Confirm that tasks are named in an active way by using a combination of verb and object. E.g. "Pay bill", "Order pizza", "Send documents" etc. Check if the following tasks respect this guideline: <list>Business Process DiagramToDoGuidelines for names of tasks [also: category Process Release Confirmation]
Naming guidelines (Events): Confirm that the name of the events in the process describe a state that has been reached. Check if the following events respect this guideline: <list>Use verbs in past participle. E.g. "Document received", "Pizza ordered" etc. Time events might be self-describing without using a verb (2 hours, 5 days, each Tuesday, etc.). Attached compensation events might have no (visible) name as the event is described at the throwing event.Business Process DiagramToDoGuidelines for names of events [also: category Process Release Confirmation]
Exclusive data-based Gateways and Inclusive Gateways shall be assigned a short question with a question mark at the end.Phrase a short question for the name of the Gateway and finish the phrase with a question mark.Business Process DiagramWarningGuidelines for names of Exclusive data-based Gateways and Non-exclusive inclusive Gateways
Naming guidelines (Exclusive Gateways): Confirm that the question as name for exclusive Gateways is phrased in a way that the more likely path can be answered with "Yes". Check if the following gateways respect this guideline: <list>Business Process DiagramToDoGuidelines for names of Exclusive data-based Gateways [also: category Process Release Confirmation]
The following Tasks do not have the matching Responsible for execution with the Role of a Lane: <list>Change the Responsible for execution of Tasks to match the Role of a Lane.Lane, Lane (vertical)WarningEnforce same roles of lane and its tasks

BPMN syntax

The BPMN syntax category consists of the following checks:

TextHintRelated toTypeName of the configuration in the ADONIS Administration
The start event of a process which is not top-level (an event subprocess) must have a defined trigger.In case of an event-subprocess choose the appropriate trigger in chapter "Event type". In case of a top-level process change the value of the attribute "Type" in the same chapter.Start EventErrorStart event trigger
Catching intermediate events must have a defined trigger.Choose the appropriate trigger OR set the event type to "throwing" in chapter "Event type".Intermediate Event (sequence flow)ErrorIntermediate Event (sequence flow) trigger
Intermediate boundary events must have a defined trigger.Choose the appropriate trigger in chapter "Event type".Intermediate Event (boundary)ErrorIntermediate Event (boundary) trigger
Objects connected by a sequence flow have to be placed in the same pool or in no pool at all.Ensure that objects connected with a sequence flow lie in the same pool or in no pool at all. Use the message flow between pools.Sequence flowErrorSequence flow in same pool
If the attribute Default is enabled, the value of the attribute Transition condition has to be empty.Remove the transition condition, if the sequence flow has been defined as a default flow.Sequence flowErrorSequence flow default no conditions
It is not allowed to connect these two objects using the message flow.The message flow may connect only objects in different pools or an object in one pool to another pool. Furthermore only certain object types may be used: Pool, Pool (black-box), Task, Subprocess, Start Event, Intermediate Event (sequence flow) and End Event. For further details see the help text of the message flow relation.Message flowErrorMessage flow in same pool
A start event with an incoming message flow must have "Message" as a trigger.Set the trigger in chapter "Event type" to "Message".Start EventErrorStart event incoming message trigger
An intermediate event with an incoming message flow must have "Message" as a trigger.Set the type to "catching" and the trigger to "Message" in chapter "Event type".Intermediate Event (sequence flow)ErrorIntermediate event incoming message trigger
An end event with an outgoing message flow must have "Message" as a trigger.Set the trigger in chapter "Event type" to "Message".End EventErrorEnd event incoming message trigger
Embedded subprocesses must not have triggers defined in the start event. The model is referenced by the following models: <list>The process is called as an embedded subprocess by other processes. Therefore the start event must be blank and must not have any triggers defined.Start EventErrorSubprocess start event no trigger
Embedded subprocesses must not contain pools and lanes. The model is referenced by the following models: <list>Remove any pools and lanes from the embedded subprocess model.Business Process DiagramErrorEmbedded subprocess no pools and lanes
The number of non-exclusive Gateways of type "Parallel" (AND Gateways) is not equal to the number of converging parallel gateways.Check your model and the parallel Gateways used. There might be specific reasons for this, but in general each opening AND Gateway should be merged with a joining AND Gateway at some point in the process.Business Process DiagramWarningParallel gateway equality
In case a process diagram has several start events, they have to be of type Top-Level. In case of an event subprocess, only one start event must exist.Change the type of the start event. In case of an event subprocess remove additional start events to ensure only one start event.Business Process Diagram, SubprocessErrorSubprocess start events top level
There are elements following the event-based Gateway which violate BPMN rules.Event-Based Gateways are configured by having outgoing Sequence Flows target an Intermediate Event or a Receive Task in any combination except that * If Message Intermediate Events are used in the configuration, then Receive Tasks MUST NOT be used in that configuration and vice versa. * Receive Tasks used in an Event Gateway configuration MUST NOT have any attached Intermediate Events. * Only the following Intermediate Event triggers are valid: Message, Signal, Timer, Conditional, and Multiple (which can only include the previous triggers). Thus, the following Intermediate Event triggers are not valid: Error, Cancel, Compensation, and Link. * Target elements in an Event Gateway configuration MUST NOT have any additional incoming Sequence Flows (other than that from the Event Gateway).Exclusive Gateway, Non-exclusive GatewayErrorEvent Gateways and succeeding elements
The start and/or end points of the association relation are not correct.Check the source and target objects of the association: the association relation can either be used to connect artifacts ("Group", "Text annotation") and messages to flow objects or to model compensation handling. Flow objects are: Task, Subprocess, Choreography task, Sub-Choreography, Start event, Intermediate event (sequence flow), Intermediate event (boundary), End event, Exclusive gateway, Non-exclusive gateway, Non-exclusive gateway (converging). To connect data objects use the relation "Data Association". To model compensation handling, use an "Association" relation between an "Intermediate Event (boundary)" of "Trigger = Compensation" and a Task/Subprocess (such a Task/Subprocess must have set the checkbox "For compensation" in its Object properties).AssociationErrorAssociation start/end incorrect
The target object of the association is of the wrong type.Check the source object of the association. If the source object is a message, the target one may only be a Choreography Task, a Sub-Choreography or a Relation Node. To connect data objects use the relation "Data Association".AssociationErrorAssociation target wrong type
The source object of the association is of the wrong type.Check the source object of the association. If the target object of an association is a message, the source one may only be a Choreography Task, a Sub-Choreography or a Relation Node. To connect data objects use the relation "Data Association".AssociationErrorAssociation source wrong type
The source and/or the target object of the association is of the wrong type.Verify the source and the target object of the data association. The data association can only be used to connect data objects to flow objects. Flow objects are: Task , Subprocess, Choreography task, Sub-Choreography, Start event, Intermediate event (sequence flow), Intermediate event (boundary), End event, Exclusive gateway, Non-exclusive gateway, Non-exclusive gateway (converging).Data associationErrorData Association: wrong source and/or target objects
Intermediate events of type Cancel must only be used as intermediate boundary events with Transaction Subprocesses.Attach the event to a transaction subprocess (see Attached to property). Or change the event type (Trigger).Intermediate Event (boundary)ErrorBoundary-Event: Cancel
An event subprocess must have only one start event.Remove additional start events to ensure only one start event for the event subprocess.SubprocessErrorEvent Subprocess
Gateways without incoming sequence flows, i.e. Gateways before the start event, have to be event-based (instantiating).Change the Gateway type to event-based (instantiating) or rework the process model with an alternative start sequence.Exclusive Gateway, Non-exclusive GatewayErrorGateway Type (data-based / event-based)
Sending and receiving tasks should have message flows attached.TaskWarningMessage flow and Tasks
Message events should have message flows attached.Start Event, End EventWarningMessage flow and Events
An Intermediate Event (boundary) may not have incoming references.Exchange the Intermediate Event (boundary) with an Intermediate Event (sequence flow).Intermediate Event (boundary)ErrorBoundary-Event: Incoming sequence flow


The Layout category consists of the following checks:

TextHintRelated toTypeName of the configuration in the ADONIS Administration
Check and confirm that the process has been designed according to the defined modelling direction in your organisation (i.e. from left to right, or top-down).Business Process DiagramToDoModelling direction [also: category Process Release Confirmation]
The model contains diagonal graphical relations: <list>Design relations with vertical and horizontal lines in order to improve the readability of the model. Where necessary use 90 degree bendpoints in order to avoid diagonal lines in the model.All model typesWarningCheck for diagonal connectors


The Methodical category consists of the following checks:

TextHintRelated toTypeName of the configuration in the ADONIS Administration
There are still open comments.Make sure to clarify and resolve any open comments before releasing the model. Resolved comments will be deleted when a model is released.All model typesWarningOpen model comments
There are still open comments.Make sure to clarify and resolve any open comments before the release.All model typesWarningOpen object comments
Naming guidelines (Process diagram): Confirm that your process diagram has been assigned with a meaningful and unique name allowing users to identify the process.While unique naming is ensured by ADONIS, organisations typically have their proper rules for assigning meaningful names to processes. Often such rules include conventions for numbers/categories to be able to more easily relate a single process to the overall process structure of the company.Business Process DiagramToDoProcess diagram names [also: category Process Release Confirmation]
Mandatory attributes are not filled: <list>Mandatory attributes are defined to ensure a minimum of descriptive information.All model typesWarningMandatory model attributes
Mandatory attributes are not filled: <list>Mandatory attributes are defined to ensure a minimum of descriptive information.All object typesWarningMandatory object attributes
There are still open questions.It is recommended to clarify all open questions before proceeding.Business Process Diagram, all object typesWarningOpen questions
There are outgoing broken references from the model.References are broken, if the reference target has been deleted. It is recommended to check and update such cases.Business Process DiagramWarningBroken references
The model has outgoing references. Archived models must only be referenced from other archived models.Correct the reference to a non-archived model.Business Process DiagramErrorValid references

Process Architecture

The Process architecture category consists of the following checks:

TextHintRelated toTypeName of the configuration in the ADONIS Administration
The process diagram is neither contained in a process landscape nor referenced as subprocess by another process.Process diagrams are typically not stand-alone, but are part of the process architecture of an organisation. Check, why the process is currently not linked to the process architecture or used by other processes.Business Process DiagramInformationProcess architecture integration

Process Release Confirmation

The Process release confirmation category consists of the following checks:

TextHintRelated toTypeName of the configuration in the ADONIS Administration
Confirm that all transition conditions (after Gateways) refer to the question posed at the Gateway. Also check logical coherence, i.e. that all possible cases are covered by the conditions.Business Process DiagramToDoConditions (after XOR and OR Gateways) [also: category BPM Best Practice]
Naming guidelines (Task): Confirm that tasks are named in an active way by using a combination of verb and object. E.g. "Pay bill", "Order pizza", "Send documents" etc. Check if the following tasks respect this guideline: <list>Business Process DiagramToDoGuidelines for names of tasks [also: category BPM Best Practice]
Naming guidelines (Events): Confirm that the name of the events in the process describe a state that has been reached. Check if the following events respect this guideline: <list>Use verbs in past participle. E.g. "Document received", "Pizza ordered" etc. Time events might be self-describing without using a verb (2 hours, 5 days, each Tuesday, etc.). Attached compensation events might have no (visible) name as the event is described at the throwing event.Business Process DiagramToDoGuidelines for names of events [also: category BPM Best Practice]
Naming guidelines (Exclusive Gateways): Confirm that the question as name for exclusive Gateways is phrased in a way that the more likely path can be answered with "Yes". Check if the following gateways respect this guideline: <list>Business Process DiagramToDoGuidelines for names of Exclusive data-based Gateways [also: category BPM Best Practice]
Check and confirm that the process has been designed according to the defined modelling direction in your organisation (i.e. from left to right, or top-down).Business Process DiagramToDoModelling direction [also: category Layout]
Naming guidelines (Process diagram): Confirm that your process diagram has been assigned with a meaningful and unique name allowing users to identify the process.While unique naming is ensured by ADONIS, organisations typically have their proper rules for assigning meaningful names to processes. Often such rules include conventions for numbers/categories to be able to more easily relate a single process to the overall process structure of the company.Business Process DiagramToDoProcess diagram names [also: category Methodical]
Check and confirm that the process has been modelled in the necessary level of detail and in conformance with the set-out design objectives.Business Process DiagramToDoModel detail/granularity [also: category Process Structure]

Process Structure

The Process structure category consists of the following checks:

TextHintRelated toTypeName of the configuration in the ADONIS Administration
Check and confirm that the process has been modelled in the necessary level of detail and in conformance with the set-out design objectives.Business Process DiagramToDoModel detail/granularity [also: category Process Release Confirmation]

Relation Rules

The Relation rules category consists of the following checks:

TextHintRelated toTypeName of the configuration in the ADONIS Administration
Rules for relationsAll model typesWarningRelation rules

Release Workflow

The Release Workflow category consists of the following checks:


The availability of individual checks depends on the configuration of the release workflows in ADONIS (model release workflow and document release workflow).

TextHintRelated toTypeName of the configuration in the ADONIS Administration
The model must not be empty.Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeErrorEmpty model

Depending on the status of the attribute, the following results are possible:

No Process owner exists: The model must have a Process owner.

Process owner exists, but they don't have a release workflow role assigned: The model must have a Process owner with a proper RWF role.

Process owner exists, but they don't have access to the model: The Process owner must have access to the model.

Depending on the configuration of the model release workflow, the following results are possible:

Process owner has to be user based: Make sure that the assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Process owner has to be role based: The Process owner is defined indirectly by assigning a Role. Make sure that at least one User is part of the assigned Role and that the assigned Role is not available for reader assignment. In addition, make sure that the assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Process owner can be user or role based: The Process owner is defined directly by assigning a User or indirectly by assigning a Role. If a Role is assigned, make sure that at least one User is part of the assigned Role and that the assigned Role is not available for reader assignment. In addition, make sure that the directly or indirectly assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeError(Process) Owner

Depending on the status of the attribute, the following results are possible:

No Process manager exists: The model must have a Process manager.

Process manager exists, but they don't have a release workflow role assigned: The model must have a Process manager with a proper RWF role.

Process manager exists, but they don't have access to the model: The Process manager must have access to the model.

Depending on the configuration of the model release workflow, the following results are possible:

Process manager has to be user based: Make sure that the assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Process manager has to be role based: The Process manager is defined indirectly by assigning a Role. Make sure that at least one User is part of the assigned Role and that the assigned Role is not available for reader assignment. In addition, make sure that the assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Process manager can be user or role based: The Process manager is defined directly by assigning a User or indirectly by assigning a Role. If a Role is assigned, make sure that at least one User is part of the assigned Role and that the assigned Role is not available for reader assignment. In addition, make sure that the directly or indirectly assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeErrorProcess Manager

Depending on the status of the attribute, the following results are possible:

No Process analyst/designer exists: The model must have a Process analyst/designer.

Process analyst/designer exists, but they don't have a release workflow role assigned: The model must have a Process analyst/designer with a proper RWF role.

Process analyst/designer exists, but they don't have access to the model: The Process analyst/designer must have access to the model.

Depending on the configuration of the model release workflow, the following results are possible:

Process analyst/designer has to be user based: Make sure that the assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Process analyst/designer has to be role based: The Process analyst/designer is defined indirectly by assigning a Role. Make sure that at least one User is part of the assigned Role and that the assigned Role is not available for reader assignment. In addition, make sure that the assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Process analyst/designer can be user or role based: The Process analyst/designer is defined directly by assigning a User or indirectly by assigning a Role. If a Role is assigned, make sure that at least one User is part of the assigned Role and that the assigned Role is not available for reader assignment. In addition, make sure that the directly or indirectly assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeErrorProcess analyst/designer

Depending on the status of the attribute, the following results are possible:

No Methodical reviewer exists: The model must have a Methodical reviewer.

Methodical reviewer exists, but they don't have a release workflow role assigned: The model must have a Methodical reviewer with a proper RWF role.

Methodical reviewer exists, but they don't have access to the model: The Methodical reviewer must have access to the model.

Depending on the configuration of the model release workflow, the following results are possible:

Methodical reviewer has to be user based: Make sure that the assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Methodical reviewer has to be role based: The Methodical reviewer is defined indirectly by assigning a Role. Make sure that at least one User is part of the assigned Role and that the assigned Role is not available for reader assignment. In addition, make sure that the assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Methodical reviewer can be user or role based: The Methodical reviewer is defined directly by assigning a User or indirectly by assigning a Role. If a Role is assigned, make sure that at least one User is part of the assigned Role and that the assigned Role is not available for reader assignment. In addition, make sure that the directly or indirectly assigned user has at least read access to the model and that they participate in the Release Workflow.

Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeErrorProcess Methodical Reviewer
The model has incoming references.Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeWarningIncoming references
The model must not have incoming references.Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeErrorIncoming references
No write access to target model group.Make sure to get write access to the target model group, before creating a new draft version of a model.Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeErrorNo write access to target model group
The calculated validity period of the model is incorrect.Make sure that the calculated validity period of the model is not in the past. In case of activated prolongation, make sure that the validity period starts before the validity of the predecessor model expires, in order to ensure continuous validity. Use the attributes 'Valid from' and 'Valid until' to set the validity period of the model.Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeErrorValidity Period
The Process contains at least one Subprocess which is not released yet (and readers therefore will not see it in the Organisation Portal): <list>It is recommended to release the Subprocesses as well, so that the reader has the full information available.Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeWarningProcess with references to unreleased subprocesses
A role that is used in the release workflow as a process responsible should not be available for reader assignment.Replace such roles or make them unavailable for reader assignment.Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeWarningRole available for reader assignment
The following objects do not have correct state for the transition "<name of transition>": <list>Correct states for this transition are: <object states>.Business Process Diagram, Process LandscapeErrorValid object states in model (Interplay)
The object has incoming references.Document, ProcessWarningIncoming references (object)
The object must not have incoming references.Document, ProcessErrorIncoming references (object)
Object is in the "Personal Objects" group of the Object Catalogue.Move the object from the "Personal Objects" group to another object group to ensure that the object can be easily found and accessed by your colleagues.Document, ProcessErrorObject in unassigned object group

Depending on the status of the attribute, the following results are possible:

No Document owner exists: The object must have a Document owner.

Document owner exists, but they don't have a release workflow role assigned: The object must have a Document owner with a proper RWF role

Document owner exists, but they don't have access to the model: The Document owner must have access to the object.

A valid Document owner is a User that participates in the Release Workflow. The Document owner is defined directly by assigning a User or indirectly by assigning a Role. If a Role is assigned, make sure that at least one User is part of the assigned Role. If a User is assigned, make sure that he has access to the object.DocumentErrorOwner
A role that is used in the release workflow as a process responsible should not be available for reader assignment.Replace such roles or make them unavailable for reader assignment.Document, ProcessWarningRole available for reader assignment
Every object should have a meaningful name allowing readers to identify it easily.The object seems to still have its initial default name (assigned by the system on creation). Assign a name to the object so that it can be easily searched for and everyone can identify it by its name.Document, ProcessWarningObject name


The Simulation category consists of the following checks:

TextHintRelated toTypeName of the configuration in the ADONIS Administration
Too many processes (i.e. more than 100 including subprocesses) have been selected. Or you have processes modelled leading to infinite loops which is not supported.Check if process recurrences exist or reduce the number of selected models (including subprocesses) for the simulation.Business Process DiagramErrorNumber of processes: Must be no more than allowed number of simulated processes.
Only one start event is allowed in the model.Correct the model.Business Process DiagramErrorStart event: Must be only one start event.
Model should have start event object.Correct the model.Business Process DiagramErrorStart event: Model should have start event object.
The Quantity attribute is empty. Simulation will run with the default value: 100.Enter the attribute value in the notebook of the start event.Start EventWarningStart event: No 'quantity' entered.
The Time period attribute is not defined. Simulation will run with default time period: per year.Enter the attribute value in the notebook of the start event.Start EventWarningStart event: No 'time period' defined.
If a "Task" or "Subprocess" has more than one outgoing Sequence Flow, the "Transition condition" attribute of the connectors has to be empty.Check the Transition condition values in the outgoing sequence flow connectors.Subprocess, TaskErrorTask/Subprocess: "Transition condition" should be empty.
The Execution time attribute is empty.Enter the attribute value in the notebook of the task.TaskWarningTask: No 'execution time' entered.
No role assigned to task. Fill the attribute: Responsible for executionAssign a role in the notebook of the task.TaskInformationTask: No role assigned.
More than one role is assigned to the task. When calculating personnel costs system will include all roles with the given execution time. See the attribute: Responsible for executionAre you sure multiple roles should be included in the simulation calculation?TaskInformationTask: Multiple roles assigned.
The Hourly wage attribute is not defined for at least one assigned role. See assigned roles: Responsible for executionEnter the attribute value for all assigned roles.TaskWarningTask: No hourly wage in assigned roles.
The Rate of activity completion at event occurrence attribute is empty. Simulation will run with the default value: 0,5.Enter the attribute value in the notebook of the intermediate event.Intermediate Event (boundary)WarningIntermediate event (boundary): No 'rate of activity completion at event occurrence' entered.
Activity must be attached to boundary intermediate event.Attach activity the notebook of the intermediate event.Intermediate Event (boundary)ErrorIntermediate event (boundary): No 'attached to' defined.
Sum of Probability of occurrence attribute values of all boundary events attached to this task is greater than 1.Change attribute value in the notebook of boundary event(s) attached to this task.TaskErrorTask: Sum of 'probability of occurrence' is greater than 1.
The Probability of occurrence attribute value is empty.Enter a correct value in the notebook of the boundary event.Intermediate Event (boundary)WarningIntermediate event (boundary): No 'probability of occurrence' entered.
No referenced subprocess. See the attribute: Referenced subprocessIf no subprocesses is referenced, simulation data is taken from Time/Cost chapter of the subprocess object.SubprocessWarningSubprocess: No reference
The Use aggregated subprocess values attribute value is enabled.Simulation data will be calculated based on the corresponding sub process object.SubprocessWarningSubprocess: attribute enabled.
The variables listed below have wrong value formats. <list>Please read the info text of the attribute "Variables" in the Notebook of a "Sequence Flow" to find out more about the definition of variables.Sequence FlowErrorWrong variable value formats.
The sum of probabilities for paths outgoing from the gateway cannot be less or greater than 1. Configured transition conditions: <list>Check the Transition condition values in the outgoing sequence flow connectors.Exclusive Gateway, Sequence FlowErrorExclusive gateway: The sum of probabilities is less or greater than 1.
The Transition condition attribute value is not defined in at least one outgoing connector and the sum of probabilities is less than 1. Configured transition conditions: <list>For all paths without a defined probability, the system will calculate the remaining probability and distribute it equally among these paths. Check the attribute values in the outgoing sequence flow connectors.Exclusive Gateway, Sequence FlowWarningExclusive gateway: No probabilities entered.
A Gateway should have either a) one incoming and at least 2 outgoing sequence flows or b) one outgoing and at least 2 incoming sequence flows.For clarity and to avoid possible deadlocks or multi-merges change your process model accordingly.Exclusive Gateway, Sequence FlowErrorGateways: in-/outgoing Sequence flows
Currently simulation does not support models in which a non-exclusive gateway converges more or less connectors than were split.Change the model so that the number of incoming "paths" of the converging non-exclusive gateway equals the number of outgoing "paths" of the diverging non-exclusive gateway.Non-exclusive Gateway, Sequence FlowErrorNon-exclusive gateways: Current usage of gateways are not supported in the simulation
The variables listed below are declared more than once in the process. Variable values will be overwritten each time according to the process flow.Please check if the variable are declared more than on purpose or it is unintentional.Business Process Diagram, Sequence FlowWarningVariable declared multiple times