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Version: 16.2


The Licence page allows you to check what licence your organisation is using and view detailed information on the licence, such as the number of users who can access ADONIS and more. Additionally, the page also provides the option to add a new licence if necessary, ensuring that you have complete control over your organisation's licencing requirements.

View Licence Details

When you open the Licence page, the licence details are the first thing you see. By default, the following columns are displayed:

  • Name: The name of the licence. Expand the name to view a list of licenced components.

  • Product Licences: The number of users that can use ADONIS simultaneously (have simultaneous access to the database and use the product at the same time). This column will be empty if a scenario licence is in use.

  • Expiration Date: The last calendar day on which the licence can be used.

  • Max. objects: The maximum number of repository objects that can be created in the database.

  • Max. models: The maximum number of models that can be created in the database.

  • Concurrent Use: The maximum number of concurrent users that can use a component. This column will be empty if a product licence is in use.

Some columns are hidden by default:

  • ID: The unique identifier of the licence or licenced component.

  • Version: The product version for which the licence was originally created.

  • Type: The type of component which a number of users can use simultaneously.

  • Usable for Newer: Yes: The licence can still be used with a newer ADONIS version. No: A new ADONIS version will also require a new licence.

  • Named Use: The maximum number of named users that can use a component. This column will be empty if a product licence is in use.

Show or Hide Columns

To change which columns are displayed:

  • At the top right of the licence overview, click More, point to Show / hide columns, and then choose the columns you want.

Product Licences vs. Scenario Licences

Licences can either be product licences or scenario licences:

  • Product Licence: Product licences define the maximum amount of users which can use ADONIS simultaneously.

  • Scenario Licence: Scenario licences define the maximum amount of concurrent users and/or named users which can use a scenario simultaneously. Scenarios are the application scenarios of ADONIS, the Organisation Portal etc.

Named Users vs. Concurrent Users

ADONIS Users can be either named users or concurrent users:

  • Named Users: A user can be assigned as a named user for a scenario. Named users have guaranteed access to the selected scenario in ADONIS regardless of the number of already logged-in concurrent users.

  • Concurrent Users: Concurrent users share the available slots and can log in as long as free slots are available.

Add Licence

At times, it may be necessary to import a new licence, such as when activating a new add-on or renewing an expired licence. To add a licence:

  • Go to the Licence page and click Add Licence.

  • Click Browse and select the file you want to import. You can also drag a file from your computer to the Drag and drop files here to upload area.

The licence will be added.


A restart of the ADONIS application server is required for the new licence to take effect.

Upload New Licence in Case of Expired Licence

If your ADONIS licence has expired, the application will enter emergency mode, and users will see an error message when attempting to log in to ADONIS. To resume full functionality:

  1. Log in to the ADONIS Administration. If no valid licence is available, the Import Licence dialogue opens automatically.

  2. Click Choose file and select the new licence you want to import.

  3. Click Import. When prompted to continue, click Yes. The licence is imported.

The ADONIS application server will automatically restart once the import is complete, and the new licence will take effect. After this, ADONIS will be accessible once again.