In this part of the manual, the following topics are outlined:
Create Models: This chapter provides an overview of the most important functions for creating new models in ADONIS.
Model and Connect Objects: This chapter provides an overview of the most important functions for adding and connecting objects in the graphical editor.
Edit Models: This chapter provides an overview of the most important functions for editing models in the graphical editor.
Working with Navigation and View Tools: The navigation and view tools let you navigate through models, analyses etc. and control how you see your models.
Working with the Explorer: This chapter provides an overview of the most important functions managing models and objects in the Explorer.
- Favourites in ADONIS: Favourites are a great way to save models and objects that you want to access quickly in ADONIS.
Add Information to Models & Objects: This chapter provides an overview of the most important functions for managing the attributes of models, objects and connectors.
Embed Images in Models: ADONIS allows uploading images into the database in order to use them in models.
Document Management: ADONIS allows the import and management of external files in the database. The imported files are maintained as documents in the Object Catalogue.
Textual View: Understanding Flows Quickly: The textual view is especially useful to quickly understand the flow of tasks and decisions in a process.
Tabular Editor: Large-Scale Attribute Editing: The tabular editor offers the opportunity to clearly display object attributes, even in large models. Attribute values can be edited quickly and extensively.
Import/Export BPMN DI Files: ADONIS provides a BPMN Diagram Interchange (XML) interface. Using this interface, BPMN DI files can imported and exported.
Import/Export Objects: Objects can be imported from other applications into ADONIS and exported from ADONIS into other applications.
Filter Models & Objects – the State Filter: ADONIS includes a filter mechanism which allows you to control the visibility of models and objects: