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Version: 16.1

Embed Images in Models

You can easily upload images and embed them into your models. Simply drag an image from your computer into the graphical editor, and a Note showing the image will be instantly created. If you already have a Note or Cross-Reference object, you can also upload the image directly in the object's properties.


The file types which are allowed for import in the database and the maximum file size can be configured in the ADONIS Administration.

Upload New Image

There are several ways to upload images:

Drag Image to Graphical Editor

To create a new image:

  • Open a model.

  • Drag an image from your computer to the drawing area.

A new object of the class Note is added to the model. The image is displayed in place of this object in the graphical editor. The imported file is referenced in the Notebook of the new object in the attribute Image (Upload or URL).

Upload Image in Notebook

If you have already created a Note or Cross-Reference in which you want to reference the image, you can proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Notebook of the Note or Cross-Reference. Switch to the Notebook chapter Representation.

  2. Click the Attach file icon in the attribute Image (Upload or URL).

  3. Select a file from your file system and confirm. The file is uploaded.

The image is displayed in place of the Note or Cross-Reference in the graphical editor.

Make Images Available in Different Language Versions

When you add a new image, it is displayed in all languages​​. To make available a different image in another language version:

  • Switch to the desired language.

  • Open the Notebook of the Note or Cross-Reference which contains the image you want to replace. Switch to the Notebook chapter Representation.

  • Replace the referenced image via the Attach file icon in the attribute Image (Upload or URL).

Download Image

To download an image:

  • Open the Notebook of the Note or Cross-Reference which contains the referenced image. Switch to the Notebook chapter Representation.

  • Now do one of the following:

    • In read mode, click the link to the image in the attribute Image (Upload or URL).

    • In edit mode, click the Download attachment icon in the attribute Image (Upload or URL).

Delete Image

The Delete command allows you to delete an object which contains the referenced image.

If you just want to delete the image but keep the object:

  • Open the Notebook of the Note or Cross-Reference which contains the referenced image. Switch to the Notebook chapter Representation.

  • Click the Remove attachment icon in the attribute Image (Upload or URL). The image is deleted.