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Version: 16.0

Workspaces: How the Score of a Survey Is Calculated

This section explains how survey scores are calculated in workspaces. When users complete a survey, the score for the assessed element is calculated based on the answers given.

Most survey questions in workspaces have four possible answers, but some have two or three.

  • For questions with four possible answers, the score is 1-4.

  • For questions with three possible answers, the score is 1-3.

  • For questions with two possible answers, the score is either 1 or 4.

Once the survey is completed, the scores for all questions are added together and converted to a percentage-based score between 0 and 100. Here's an example to illustrate how this works:

Example: Application Investment Planning Template

The Application Investment Planning template includes a survey that lets you assess the business fitness of applications:

  • The survey contains 18 questions with four answer options (worth 1-4 points) and one question with three answer options (worth 1-3 points).
  • The minimum possible score for the survey is 19 (19 x 1) points, which corresponds to the case where the user selects the lowest possible answer option for each question.
  • The maximum possible score is 75 (18 x 4 + 1 x 3) points, which corresponds to the case where the user selects the highest possible answer option for each question.
  • To standardise the score to a 0-100 scale, the minimum achievable score of 19 points corresponds to 0% and the maximum achievable score of 75 points corresponds to 100%. All other possible scores fall between these two values.