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Version: 16.0


The Properties page provides you with the flexibility to tailor the properties of object and model types to meet your organisation's needs. You have the freedom to reshape the allocation of properties into chapters and the groups within. At the granular level of individual properties, you can effortlessly assign or remove existing attributes and relations, and even introduce new attributes to an element.

In a Snap: Modifying Properties

Adapting object and model type properties on the Properties page is a breeze. Simply select an element to show a flat list of the chapters which hold all of its properties in the workspace. You can choose a chapter to modify right away, or expand the hierarchy if you are looking to edit the groups, and the individual attributes and relations within the chapters.


The availability of this feature depends on the licence.

View Properties

Here is what you need to do to view the properties of an element:

  1. Go to the Properties page.

  2. Select any element from the Select class or model type list at the top of the page.

    • The object types appear at the top of the list, followed by the model type(s).

    • Upon selecting an element, the chapters into which the properties are organised will be displayed in the workspace.

  3. Expand the chapters to display the groups, attributes and relations you want.

The following columns are displayed by default:

  • Name

    The language-specific name of the element. An "A" icon indicates an attribute, while an "R" icon indicates a relation. In addition, read-only attributes are labelled with an icon.

  • Language-Independent

    The language-independent name uniquely identifies the attribute or relation.

  • Type

    The data structure of the attribute, or the type of the relation. Attributes can store completely different content depending on the type: text of various lengths, integer and floating-point numbers, dates, times, internal and external references, tables, and much more. For relations, the type can be outgoing or incoming.

  • Mandatory

    This column indicates whether the attribute is mandatory or not. Mandatory attributes are required to be filled out: In ADONIS, when you open an object's properties, mandatory attributes are coloured red and marked with an asterisk as long as they are empty.

Some columns are hidden by default:

  • Default Value

    Attributes can have default values. These values apply automatically when an instance with this attribute is created.

  • Class Attribute

    This column indicates whether the attribute is a class attribute or not. Class attributes apply to an element as a whole, rather than to its individual instances. For example, they may include the graphical representation of an object type or the info text associated with a particular model type. These attributes cannot be edited in the instances derived from these elements. If the attribute is not a class attribute, it will become an instance attribute, which can be edited in the instances (models, objects, etc.).

  • Context-Specific

    This is a property for attributes used as instance attributes and consequently is not available when an attribute is a class attribute. If the attribute is context-specific, it can hold different values for each distinct model context. Otherwise, the attribute will have a single global value that applies to all model contexts.

  • Language-Invariant

    This column indicates whether the value of this attribute is restricted to be language-independent or not. If this property is enabled, the attribute value is the same in all languages. Otherwise, each language variant can have its own, distinctive value.

  • ID

    The unique identifier of the attribute or relation.


The properties class attribute, context-specific and language-invariant are automatically set to "no" when you create a new attribute. Only ADONIS product developers or customisers can change these properties.

Additionally, the ID of an attribute is always generated automatically.

Show or Hide Columns

To change which columns are displayed:

  • At the top right of the workspace, click More, and then choose the columns you want.

Show or Hide Chapters

You can display properties either in a flat list or in a hierarchical structure, based on the chapters in which the properties of an element are organised. To show or hide chapters:

  • At the top right of the workspace, click More, and then click Show chapters.

Copy Language-Independent Element Name

When you select any element from the Select class or model type list, the language-independent name of the element appears to the right of it. To copy the language-independent name to the clipboard:

  • Click Copy.

Manage Chapters and Groups

The attributes and relations of an element are organised into chapters. Within these chapters, subsets of properties can be categorised into groups for a better overview. Continue reading to discover how to modify the chapters and groups.

Add New Group

To add a new group to a chapter:

  1. Go to the Properties page and select an element from the Select class or model type list.

  2. Find the chapter, click More, and then click Add new group.

  3. Enter the language-specific names of the group for all languages ADONIS supports (at least one language is required). These names are visible on the user interface, e.g. when users in ADONIS open the properties of an object.

  4. Click Save, and then click Save changes.

The metamodel changes will be applied, and the ADONIS Administration will be reloaded. Afterwards, the new group is ready for use.

Add Chapter Below

To add a new chapter:

  1. Go to the Properties page and select an element from the Select class or model type list.

  2. Find the chapter below which you want to add a new one, click More, and then click Add chapter below.

  3. Enter the language-specific names of the chapter for all languages ADONIS supports (at least one language is required). These names are visible on the user interface, e.g. when users in ADONIS open the properties of an object.

  4. Click Save, and then click Save changes.

The metamodel changes will be applied, and the ADONIS Administration will be reloaded. Afterwards, the new chapter is ready for use.

Rename Chapters and Groups

Chapters and groups can be renamed:

  1. Go to the Properties page and select an element from the Select class or model type list.

  2. Find the chapter or group you want to rename, click More, and then click Rename chapter or Rename group.

Manage Attributes and Relations

Object and model types have attributes for storing variable properties and various values, and relations for creating connections to models and objects. Continue reading to discover how to add, change, and remove these properties.

Add New Attribute

To add a new attribute to a chapter or group:

  1. Go to the Properties page and select an element from the Select class or model type list.

  2. Find the chapter or group, click More, and then click Add new attribute.

  3. From the Attribute type list, select the type of attribute you want to add.

  4. Optional: Under Chapter, you can modify the chapter and group the attribute should be assigned to.

  5. Under Name, enter the language-specific names of the attribute for all languages ADONIS supports. These names are visible on the user interface, e.g. when users in ADONIS open the properties of an object.

  6. If you are creating a Bool, Enumeration or Enumeration List attribute, you will need to provide additional specifications (default values and value range).

  7. Under Properties, fill out the following details:

    • In the Unique name box, you can change the language-independent name that uniquely identifies the attribute. To establish a naming convention, ADONIS will automatically compose a unique name consisting of the prefix A_CUS_ and the language-specific name in the primary language (in capital letters), for example A_CUS_COMMENT.

    • Select Mandatory attribute if this attribute should be marked as mandatory (see View Properties).

  8. Optional: Under Info text, you may provide info texts explaining the purpose of this attribute to the end user for all languages ADONIS supports. These texts can be displayed in ADONIS (icon ).

  9. Click Save, and then click Save changes.

The metamodel changes will be applied, and the ADONIS Administration will be reloaded. Afterwards, the new attribute is ready for use.

Attribute Types

ADONIS administrators can create the following types of attributes:

  • ADONIS String

    A text-based attribute type that can store strings with a maximum length of 3700 Unicode characters.

  • Bool (Boolean)

    A binary attribute with two possible values, "true" or "false."

  • Coordinated Universal Time

    Stores date and time information, dividing time into days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

  • Double

    A numeric attribute type capable of storing floating-point numbers for precise values.

  • Enumeration

    A list of predefined values where a single value may be selected.

  • Enumeration List

    A list of predefined values where multiple values may be selected.

  • Integer

    Stores whole numbers, both positive and negative, without decimal components.

  • Long String

    An attribute type suitable for storing longer text content, allowing for strings with a maximum length of 50000 Unicode characters.

  • Unsigned Integer

    Similar to Integer but limited to non-negative whole numbers, excluding negative values.

Setting Default Values and Value Ranges

Some attribute types require additional specifications:

  • Default Value

    Attributes can have default values. These values apply automatically when an instance with this attribute is created. ADONIS administrators can set default values for Bool, Enumeration, or Enumeration List attributes when creating or editing an attribute. Numerical attribute types like Integer are assigned the value "0" by default and are never without a value. Only ADONIS product developers or customisers have full access to the default values of all attribute types.

  • Value Range

    Enumeration or enumeration list attributes require a value range: a list of predefined values where a single value (enumeration) or multiple values (enumeration list) can be selected.

To provide these specifications:

For Bool Attributes

  • Under Default Value, activate the Boolean default value option to assign the attribute the default value "true". Otherwise, the default value will be "false".

For Enumeration or Enumeration List Attributes

  • You can edit the value range in the Value list area:

    • Click + Add value to add a new enumeration value (at least one enumeration value is required). Enter the language-specific names of the value for all languages ADONIS supports.

    • In the Default value column, select the enumeration value that should be used as the default value.

    • Use the icon with three horizontal lines to drag an enumeration value to a new position.

    • If necessary, you can edit or delete an enumeration value.

    • Select Evaluate Default Value as an Empty One to specify that the default value of this attribute should be treated as empty. This setting is taken into account by the property filter, which enables ADONIS users to hide empty attributes to improve readability.


Only newly added enumeration values can be deleted. Once the metamodel changes have been applied (Save changes), they can no longer be removed.

Assign Existing Attribute

ADONIS administrators can determine which attributes shall be visible and editable for an element by assigning them to a chapter or group.

To assign an existing attribute to a chapter or group:

  1. Go to the Properties page and select an element from the Select class or model type list.

  2. Find the chapter or group, click More, and then click Assign existing attribute.

  3. In the Available attributes table, find the attribute you want to add.

    • This table displays both the language-specific and the language-independent name of the attribute, and the attribute type.

    • To easily see where an attribute is also used, you can just hover over the info icon and the information will be shown in the tooltip.

    • You can use the search box to quickly find a specific attribute.

  4. Optional: In the Chapter and Group lists, you can modify the chapter and group the attribute should be assigned to.

  5. Click Assign to assign the attribute.

    • The attribute will be positioned it at the end of your chosen chapter or group. Adjust its position in the workspace later.

    • At the same time, the attribute will be removed from the Available attributes table.

  6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 to assign additional attributes.

  7. Click Save. The chapters and groups with assigned attributes will automatically expand in the workspace. Then click Save changes.

The metamodel changes will be applied, and the ADONIS Administration will be reloaded. Afterwards, the assigned attributes are visible and editable.


You can assign all attributes except class attributes and attributes that have been blacklisted by ADONIS product developers or customisers.

Edit Attribute

You can edit attributes if they have not been blacklisted by ADONIS product developers or customisers, in which case you can only view them.

To edit an attribute:

  1. Go to the Properties page and select an element from the Select class or model type list.

  2. Find the attribute, click More, and then click Edit attribute.

  3. Modify the details as required.

  4. Click Save, and then click Save changes.

The metamodel changes will be applied, and the ADONIS Administration will be reloaded. Afterwards, the modified attribute is ready for use.


You can find more information about the various attribute details in the section Add New Attribute.


The attribute type and the unique name of an attribute cannot be changed retroactively.


Attribute modifications are applied globally. Editing an attribute therefore has immediate effects on all elements that use this attribute. However, there is an exception to this rule: In the context of a specific metamodel element (object type, model type, ...), attributes can have a special default value that can be different from the default for the same attribute in the context of another metamodel element.

Assign Existing Relation

ADONIS administrators can determine which relations shall be visible and editable for an element by assigning them to a chapter or group.

To assign an existing relation to a chapter or group:

  1. Go to the Properties page and select an element from the Select class or model type list.

  2. Find the chapter or group, click More, and then click Assign existing relation.

  3. In the Available relations table, find the relation you want to add.

    • This table displays both the language-specific and the language-independent name of the relation, and the type of the relation (outgoing or incoming).

    • You can use the search box to quickly find a specific relation.

  4. Optional: In the Chapter and Group lists, you can modify the chapter and group the relation should be assigned to.

  5. Click Assign to assign the relation.

    • The relation will be positioned it at the end of your chosen chapter or group. Adjust its position in the workspace later.

    • At the same time, the relation will be removed from the Available relations table.

  6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 to assign additional relations.

  7. Click Save. The chapters and groups with assigned relations will automatically expand in the workspace. Then click Save changes.


You can assign all relations which allow instances of the selected element either as a source object (= outgoing) or target object (= incoming).

Adjust Attributes and Relations

Attributes and relations can be renamed, removed, and more:

  1. Go to the Properties page and select an element from the Select class or model type list.

  2. Find the attribute or relation, click More, and then select the option you want:

    • Rename relation

    • Remove


When you rename a relation, it only affects the context of the selected element. Globally, the name does not change - there is no effect on other elements that use this relation.

Change Position

You can rearrange chapters, groups, attributes and relations. To change the position:

  1. Go to the Properties page and select an element from the Select class or model type list.

  2. Find the element you want to change the position of, click More, and then click Change Position.

  3. Drag the element to a new position. You can also rearrange other elements as needed.

  4. Click Save, and then click Save changes.

The metamodel changes will be applied, and the ADONIS Administration will be reloaded. Afterwards, the elements will be displayed in the new order.