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Version: 17.1


The Repositories page enables you to perform a variety of administrative tasks on your repositories, such as creating, deleting, and editing them, as well as importing and exporting models, objects, repositories, and migration packages.

What is a Repository?

Repositories are a special type of information storage in databases. Each repository is a distinct area in the database, containing e.g. models and objects belonging together. Repositories are always connected to libraries in the same database which define all possible content types for them. A library may have multiple independent repositories.

During user authentication creation, every ADOIT user gets access to (at least) one repository. This is their working place in the database where models can be created and stored, objects created and re-used, analysis queries executed and much more. During the start of ADOIT, the appropriate repository is automatically initialised and made available to the user.

Create Repository

To assign a new repository to a library:

  1. Go to the Repositories page and click Create.

  2. In the Enter repository name box, type a name for the repository, and then click Create.

The repository is created in the database and assigned to the library.


A user (administrator), who creates a new repository automatically gains access rights to this new repository.

Lock or Unlock Repository

From time to time, maintenance duties have to be carried out on a repository, e.g. deleting old models or conducting a backup. In this case it is advised to lock the repository before starting and release it after the required maintenance has been completed. A locked repository cannot be used by any user – logon to this repository is no longer possible. An inconsistent database state during maintenance can so be avoided.

To lock or unlock a repository:

  • Go to the Repositories page.

  • In the list, find the repository you want.

  • Click Lock repository or Unlock repository. When prompted to continue, click Yes.


A repository can only be locked while no other user is currently working with this repository. Otherwise an error message appears.

Rename Repository

To rename an existing repository:

  1. Go to the Repositories page.

  2. In the list, find the repository you want.

  3. To the right of the repository, click More, and then click Rename repository.

  4. Type the new name for the repository, and then click Rename.

Delete Repository

To delete a repository that is no longer used:

  1. Go to the Repositories page.

  2. In the list, find the repository you want.

  3. To the right of the repository, click More, and then click Delete repository. When prompted to continue, click Yes. The repository and its entire content is removed from the database.


A repository can only be deleted while no other user is currently working with this repository.


Be careful when deleting repositories, as their entire content (models, objects, other information) cannot be restored.

Copy Repository ID

To copy the ID of a repository to the clipboard:

  1. Go to the Repositories page.

  2. In the list, find the repository you want.

  3. To the right of the repository, click More, and then click Copy the ID to the clipboard.

A success message appears. Close the message to complete the process.

Show Repository Usage

To see who is currently using or locking a repository:

  • Go to the Repositories page.

  • In the list, find the repository you want.

  • To the right of the repository, click More, and then click Usage.

A usage overview of the repository appears.

Repository usage

The following information is shown:

  • Currently used by: Contains a list of all users currently logged on to the selected repository.

  • Currently locked by: If the repository has been locked by a user, the user's name is displayed here.

Import Models or Objects

To import models or objects:

  1. Go to Repositories > More options, and then click Import models or objects.

  2. Select either Models or Objects, depending on what you want to import.

  3. Click Browse and select the file you want to import. You can also drag a file from your computer to the Drag and drop files here to upload area.

  4. Wait for the upload to complete. If the import file is encrypted, enter the password and click OK. Then, click Next.

  5. Select the items you want to import, and choose the target group for the import. You must also specify the following options:

    • Select Including subordinated model groups and models or Including subordinated object groups and objects to include the entire hierarchy below a selected group in the import, not just the selected level.

    • Select Merge moved groups when you import a backup and some groups have been moved to another location in the meantime. The groups and all contained artifacts will be merged at the new location (artefacts according to the selected conflict strategy). When this option is disabled, the imported groups are created at the old location. Contained artifacts will be merged at the new location if they exist in both groups, or created in the old location if they only exist in the import groups.

    Then, click Next.

  6. From the Conflict strategy, if a model or object in the file does already exist in the repository list, select the behaviour if a model or object already exists:

    • Insert (New data will be inserted. Existing data will be overwritten, if necessary): Inserts the import model or object, combining information from both sources.

    • Insert (As above; including resolving release workflow conflicts in an element already exists): As above, but ADOIT additionally checks whether the content from the import file violates the integrity of a release workflow (default selection).

    • Overwrite (The model/object from the import file replaces the one from the database): Overwrites the model or object in the database.

    • Ignore (The model/object in the database remains untouched): Ignores the data in the import file, preserving the original model or object.


    Insert (As above; including resolving release workflow conflicts in an element already exists) is only available if a release workflow is enabled and should always be used instead of the Insert (New data will be inserted. Existing data will be overwritten, if necessary) option. Use Insert (New data will be inserted. Existing data will be overwritten, if necessary) only if requested by a BOC employee.

  7. Optional: Select Import from different library so that ADOIT performs a check whether content from the import file derives from the same version of the existing library. Activate this option, if you are not sure. If you select this option, you must also specify the following option:

    • Select Import metamodel mapping from file if the metamodel elements in the import file (model, object, relation, and endpoint types plus their attributes) do not perfectly match the metamodel elements in the library used. This allows you to import a metamodel mapping file with the assignment of import elements to the library elements that you have received from your ADOIT consultant.
  8. Click Import. The data is imported.

When the import is complete, a success message appears. You can download a Protocol file with detailed information about the import. Close the message to complete the process.

Import Repository

This procedure allows you to import an entire repository and the information it contains into the ADOIT database.

To import a repository:

  1. Go to Repositories > More options, and then click Import repository.

  2. Click Browse and select the repository file you want to import. You can also drag a file from your computer to the Drag and drop files here to upload area.

  3. Wait for the upload to complete. Then, click Next.

  4. Select one of the following options:

    • Import as new repository into library "<library name>" to import the file as a new repository.

    • Insert into the active repository "<repository name>" to import the data into your active repository. If you select this option, you must also specify the following options:

      • Select Resolve release workflow conflicts if an element already exists so that ADOIT checks whether the content of the import file violates the integrity of a release workflow. Only available if a release workflow is enabled. Clear this check box only if requested by a BOC employee.

      • Select Merge moved groups when you import a backup and some groups have been moved to another location in the meantime. The groups and all contained artifacts will be merged at the new location. When this option is disabled, the imported groups are created at the old location. Contained artifacts will be merged at the new location if they exist in both groups or created in the old location if they only exist in the imported groups.

  5. Optional: Select Import metamodel mapping from file if the metamodel elements in the import file (model, object, relation, and endpoint types plus their attributes) do not perfectly match the metamodel elements in the library used. This allows you to import a metamodel mapping file with the assignment of import elements to the library elements that you have received from your ADOIT consultant.

  6. Click Import. When prompted to continue, click Yes. If the import file is encrypted, enter the password and click OK. The data is imported.

When the import is complete, a success message appears. You can download a Protocol file with detailed information about the import. Close the message to complete the process.

Import Migration Package

This procedure allows importing a migration package that has been saved in an external AXR format file to the ADOIT database.

To import a migration package:

  1. Go to Repositories > More options, and then click Import migration package.

  2. Click Browse and select the file you want to import. You can also drag a file from your computer to the Drag and drop files here to upload area.

  3. Wait for the upload to complete. Then, click Next.

  4. Select one of the following options:

    • Import as new repository into library "<library name>" to import the file as a new repository.

    • Insert into the active repository "<repository name>" to import the data into your active repository. If you select this option, you must also specify the following options:

      • Select Resolve release workflow conflicts if an element already exists so that ADOIT checks whether the content of the import file violates the integrity of a release workflow. Only available if a release workflow is enabled. Clear this check box only if requested by a BOC employee.

      • Select Merge moved groups when you import a backup and some groups have been moved to another location in the meantime. The groups and all contained artifacts will be merged at the new location. When this option is disabled, the imported groups are created at the old location. Contained artifacts will be merged at the new location if they exist in both groups or created in the old location if they only exist in the imported groups.

  5. Optional: Select Import metamodel mapping from file if the metamodel elements in the import file (model, object, relation, and endpoint types plus their attributes) do not perfectly match the metamodel elements in the library used. This allows you to import a metamodel mapping file with the assignment of import elements to the library elements that you have received from your ADOIT consultant.

  6. Click Import. When prompted to continue, click Yes. If the import file is encrypted, enter the password and click OK. The data is imported.

When the import is complete, a success message appears. You can download a Protocol file with detailed information about the import. Close the message to complete the process.

Import Migration Package with Multiple Repositories

To import a migration package with multiple repositories:

  1. Go to Repositories > More options, and then click Import migration package with multiple repositories.

  2. Click Browse and select the file you want to import. You can also drag a file from your computer to the Drag and drop files here to upload area.

  3. Wait for the upload to complete. If the import file is encrypted, enter the password and click OK. Then, click Next.

  4. Select the repositories you want to import. Then, click Next.

  5. Optional: Select Import metamodel mapping from file if the metamodel elements in the import file (model, object, relation, and endpoint types plus their attributes) do not perfectly match the metamodel elements in the library used. This allows you to import a metamodel mapping file with the assignment of import elements to the library elements that you have received from your ADOIT consultant.

  6. Click Import. When prompted to continue, click Yes. The data is imported.

When the import is complete, a success message appears. You can download a Protocol file with detailed information about the import. Close the message to complete the process.

Export models or objects

To export models or objects:

  1. Go to Repositories > More options, and then click Export models or objects.

  2. Select either Models or Objects, depending on what you want to export. Then, click Next.

  3. Select the items you want to export. Then, click Next.

  4. From the Filter list, select whether to export only models or objects, only groups, or both.

  5. Optional: Select Including subordinated model groups and models or Including subordinated object groups and objects to include the entire hierarchy below a selected group in the export, not just the selected level.

  6. If you are exporting models, you must specify the following options:

    • Optional: Select Including all subordinated models (recursive) to include all sub models referenced out of the selected models (without restriction of the reference depth). Sub models are connected to the selected models via a relation class with the parameter Is subreference enabled.


      The check box Including all subordinated models (recursive) is not available if the library contains no relation classes with the parameter Is subreference enabled.

    • Optional: Select Including referenced models to include all models referenced out of the selected models into the export.

  7. Optional: Select Including referenced objects to include all objects referenced out of the selected models or objects into the export.

  8. Optional: Select Protect export file with password to encrypt the export file.

  9. Click Export. The data is exported.

When the export is complete, a success message appears. You can download a Protocol file with detailed information about the export. Close the message to complete the process.

Export Repository

For backup purposes, an entire repository and the information it contains can be exported as an AXR format file.


When exporting a repository, all models and objects and their relations are exported as well. Therefore this is the preferred variant of data exchange between ADOIT instances since in the integrity of all relations is guaranteed.

To export the active repository:

  1. Go to Repositories > More options, and then click Export repository.

  2. Optional: Select Protect export file with password to encrypt the export file.

  3. Click Export. The data is exported.

When the export is complete, a success message appears. You can download a Protocol file with detailed information about the export. Close the message to complete the process.

Export Migration Package

A migration package contains the repository (including all models and objects and their relations), the users, the system roles and the defined user rights.

Repositories, users, system roles and user rights can be exported individually as well. However, when migrating all ADOIT data to a new version, the export of a migration package is the preferred variant as it prevents errors, guarantees the integrity of all relations and speeds up the process.

To export a migration package:

  1. Go to Repositories > More options, and then click Export migration package.

  2. Optional: Select Protect export file with password to encrypt the export file.

  3. Click Export. The data is exported.

When the export is complete, a success message appears. You can download a Protocol file with detailed information about the export. Close the message to complete the process.

Export Migration Package with Multiple Repositories

If your organisation is working with multiple repositories, you can export them in one go which prevents errors and reduces complexity when migrating all ADOIT data to a new version.

To export a migration package with multiple repositories:

  1. Go to Repositories > More options, and then click Export migration package with multiple repositories.

  2. Select the repositories you want to export. Then, click Next.

  3. Optional: Select Protect export file with password to encrypt the export file.

  4. Click Export. The data is exported.

When the export is complete, a success message appears. You can download a Protocol file with detailed information about the export. Close the message to complete the process.