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Version: 17.2

Uninstall ADOIT

To uninstall ADOIT 17.2:

  1. Stop the ADOIT 17.2 application server and the Apache Tomcat web server services:

    • Open Services. Press <Windows> + <R> to open the Run box, enter services.msc, and then click OK.

    • Stop the ADOIT application server (service name e.g. "ADOITServer17.2Service") and the Apache Tomcat web server (service name e.g. "Tomcat10").

  2. Uninstall the ADOIT 17.2 application server service:

    • Open the Windows Command Prompt and navigate to <ADOIT installation>.

    • Type aserver.exe -r to uninstall the Windows Service (e.g. "ADOITServer17.2Service").

  3. Delete the application server cache. If you are running the application server service under the local system account (default configuration), delete the following folders:

    • C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\BOC

    • C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\BOC

    If you changed the user account that runs the application server service, delete the following folders:

    • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\BOC

    • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\BOC

  4. Delete the Apache Tomcat web server cache:

    • Delete the file ADOIT17_2.war and the folder ADOIT17_2 in the directory <Tomcat installation>/webapps.

    • Delete the file ADOIT17_2.xml in the directory <Tomcat installation>/conf/Catalina/<server name>.

    • Delete the folder ADOIT17_2 in the directory <Tomcat installation>/work/Catalina/<server name>.

    • Move all log files in <Tomcat installation>/logs that contain either "ADOxx" or "ADOIT" in their name to a backup folder.

  5. Uninstall the ADOIT 17.2 application server using your operating system's software manager.


For details about software uninstallation please consult the vendor's documentation of your operating system.