Repository Management
The Repository Management is a component for ADONIS, offering the functions for managing repository content (models, model groups, objects, object groups). Additionally it offers access to the user rights for this content.
Repositories are a special type of information storage in databases. Each repository is a distinct area in the database, containing e.g. models and objects belonging together. Repositories are always connected to libraries in the same database which define all possible content types for them. A library may have multiple independent repositories.
During user authentication creation, every ADONIS user gets access to (at least) one repository. This is their working place in the database where models can be created and stored, objects created and re-used, analysis queries executed and much more. During the start of ADONIS the appropriate repository is automatically initialised and made available to the user.
Activate Repository Management
In order to use the Repository Management:
Click on the component selection on the top left of the application window.
Select Repository Management.
The Repository Management only has one single tab: Access Rights of User Groups / Users. It contains the User Catalogue and is already displayed when the component is activated.
Manage Models
All functions necessary for managing models and model groups are provided by the Model Catalogue. The most important functions are:
Creating, moving, renaming and deleting model groups.
Moving, renaming and deleting models and model references.
Create New Model Group
Please refer to the section Set Up Model Groups for details.
Manage Objects
All functions necessary for managing objects and object groups are provided by the Object Catalogue. The most important functions are:
Creating, moving, renaming and deleting object groups.
Moving, renaming and deleting objects and object references.
Create New Object Group
Please refer to the section Set Up Object Groups for details.
Recycle Bin (Deprecated)
This section describes the recycle bin. The recycle bin is a deprecated feature. It is scheduled to be removed in a future release of ADONIS.
In earlier versions of ADONIS, models and objects which are deleted in the Administration Toolkit are stored in the recycle bin until further notice. There they can be restored when needed or deleted permanently. Model groups and object groups are deleted immediately (contained models and objects are moved to the recycle bin).
In ADONIS 12.0 the behaviour is different. Models and objects which are deleted in the Administration Toolkit are NOT stored in the recycle bin. They are deleted immediately and cannot be restored.
The recycle bin is only displayed in ADONIS 12.0 if models and objects were moved to the recycle bin in earlier versions of ADONIS. When you start the Administration Toolkit, a message appears indicating that there are elements in the recycle bin that need to be cleaned up. You can restore these items, or you can permanently delete them.
Models and objects which are deleted in the ADONIS web client are NOT stored in the recycle bin in any ADONIS version. As the ADONIS web client does not provide a recycle bin, these items are deleted immediately.
Define Rights
The ADONIS rights concept allows to assign special user rights for the available database and repository content: write access (= full access), read-only access, no access and some specialised variants. These are usually defined in the component Rights Management, where users and user groups can be selected and equipped with special rights.
The rights access within the Repository Management uses a different approach: here, not the user but the content serves as the starting point. The rights of the users (user groups) are set depending on the content.
To illustrate the difference between the two approaches, we will look at two typical questions:
Rights Management
“I have a user group. What may this user group do in the database and what not?”
Repository Management
“I have a model group. Which user may see this group and its contents, who may change it and for whom shall it remain hidden?”
Rights on Models/Model Groups
In the Repository Management you can define which users or user groups have access to a certain model or model group. The following steps are necessary:
Activate the Model Catalogue.
Select a model or model group in the Model Catalogue.
The currently defined user rights for the selected catalogue entry are displayed in the tab Access Rights of Users Groups / Users.
For details on how to change rights please refer to the sections Change Basic Access Rights and Change Detailed Access Rights.
Rights on Objects/Object Groups
To define which users or user groups have access to a certain object or object group, the following steps are necessary:
Activate the Object Catalogue
Select an object or an object group in the Object Catalogue.
The currently defined user rights for the selected catalogue entry are displayed in the tab Access Rights of Users Groups / Users.
For details on how to change rights please refer to the sections Change Basic Access Rights and Change Detailed Access Rights.