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Version: 16.1

New Features in ADONIS 16.1

ADONIS 16.1 is a feature update to ADONIS 16.0 LTS. It includes a number of improvements and new features that are listed below.

Furthermore, this update includes fixes for problems discovered since the release of ADONIS 16.0 LTS.

New Features for Users of the ADONIS BPMS Application Library

Report Improvements

PDF and RTF reports have been improved in ADONIS 16.1:

  • We’ve simplified report names: Both the model and object reports are now called standard reports.
  • The title page of standard reports now displays the model or object name when the report is generated for a single element, making it easier to identify at a glance.

Report title page

  • The new layout "ADONIS Standard Page Layout (Extended)" extends the header with the additional properties Process owner, State, and Valid from.

Report header

Goal: Connector Superordinated Goal Renamed to Subordinated Goal

While drawing connectors between Goal icon Goals, the connector was mistakenly labeled Superordinated goal, despite the relation indicating that the target object is actually a Subordinated goal. This has now been corrected, and the connector is accurately named Subordinated goal.

Subordinated goal connector

Processing Activity: Chapter "General" Renamed to "General Information"

For consistency with other object types, the first chapter in the Notebook of Processing Activity icon Processing Activities has been renamed from "General" Renamed to "General information".

New Features for ADONIS Administrators

Authentication: New Administration Component

We have added a new powerful component to the ADONIS Administration, which allows you to perform all administrative tasks directly from the browser since version 16.0.

The new Authentication page is your centralised hub for all authentication configuration needs. It allows you to easily set up and manage authentication mechanisms for users accessing ADONIS, as well as for connecting to the REST API.

All settings are accessible through a user-friendly interface, eliminating the need for manually editing JSON code. Now, you can simply click, enable, and select options to configure everything with ease.

Authentication page


For details, please refer to the chapter "Authentication" in the Administration Help.

More Dialogs Allow Searching for Items

We've listened to your feedback! More dialogs in the ADONIS Administration allow searching for items now, such as when exporting models or objects, or when selecting a start model for the Read & Explore scenario.

Migration from an Earlier Version of ADONIS to ADONIS 16.1

Changes to Software Requirements

Please note the following changes to the software requirements for running ADONIS when migrating from previous versions.

No longer supported:

  • Tomcat 8 and Tomcat 9

  • Java 8 and Java 11

Added support for:

  • Tomcat 10.1

  • Java 17

Upgrade ADONIS

The Installation Manual contains a number of migration guides that will help you upgrade ADONIS from an older version to version 16.1. Each guide contains all the steps that need to be taken, with everything explained in detail:

Migration from All Other Versions to ADONIS 16.1

If you are using ADONIS 13.0 or earlier, please contact your ADONIS consultant for assistance with the required steps.

Install Hotfix

You are already using ADONIS 16.1 and want to install a hotfix? Here are step-by-step instructions: