In this part of the manual, the following topics are outlined:
Create Models: This chapter provides an overview of the most important functions for creating new models in ADOIT.
Model and Connect Objects: This chapter provides an overview of the most important functions for adding and connecting objects in the graphical editor.
Edit Models: This chapter provides an overview of the most important functions for editing models in the graphical editor.
Working with Navigation and View Tools: The navigation and view tools let you navigate through models, analyses etc. and control how you see your models.
Working with the Explorer: This chapter provides an overview of the most important functions managing models and objects in the Explorer.
- Favourites in ADOIT: Favourites are a great way to save models and objects that you want to access quickly in ADOIT.
Add Information to Models & Objects: This chapter provides an overview of the most important functions for managing the attributes of models, objects and connectors.
Embed Images in Models: ADOIT allows uploading images into the database in order to use them in models.
Document Management: ADOIT allows the import and management of external files in the database. The imported files are maintained as documents in the Object Catalogue.
Tabular Editor: Large-Scale Attribute Editing: The tabular editor offers the opportunity to clearly display object attributes, even in large models. Attribute values can be edited quickly and extensively.
Import/Export ArchiMate Model Exchange File: The ArchiMate Model Exchange File format is the standard file format for the exchange of ArchiMate models between different applications. ADOIT supports importing and exporting ArchiMate models in the exchange file format.
Import/Export Objects: Objects can be imported from other applications into ADOIT and exported from ADOIT into other applications.
Filter Objects – Time Filter, State Filter & Categories Filter: ADOIT includes filter mechanisms which allow you to control the visibility of objects:
Metamodel Profile Configurator: The Metamodel Profile Configurator allows power users to choose between various predefined metamodel profiles in the web client.