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Version: 16.2

How Metamodel Conflicts Are Resolved During Library Updates

In this chapter, you will learn how ADONIS handles metamodel conflicts when updating a library that contains custom local changes.

When you update your library and the current library contains custom metamodel changes (applied on the Properties page), ADONIS merges these changes with the new version of the library. The table below outlines how conflicts are resolved:

Custom changeProduct changeResolution
Add a new attribute and assign to a chapterDelete groupThe group is retained
Delete chapterThe chapter is retained
Delete preceding elementThe new attribute is added at the last position in the container
Delete classThe class is deleted, and the attribute is unassigned
Rename attributeRename attributeCustom name is retained
Delete attributeThe attribute is retained
Change attribute infotextChange attribute infotextCustom infotext is retained
Change attribute positionChange attribute positionCustom position is retained
Delete preceding elementThe attribute is moved to the last position in the container
Change position of preceding attributeCustom attribute is moved after the newly positioned attribute
Rename chapterRename chapterCustom chapter name is retained
Delete chapterThe chapter is deleted
Change chapter positionDelete chapterThe chapter is deleted
Delete preceding chapterThe chapter is moved to the last position
Change position of preceding chapterCustom chapter is moved after the newly positioned chapter
Change group positionDelete preceding elementGroup is moved to the last position in the chapter
Change position of preceding elementCustom group position is retained
Rename groupRename groupCustom group name is retained
Delete groupThe group is deleted
Change relation nameChange relation nameCustom relation name is retained
Change relation positionChange relation positionCustom relation position is retained
Delete preceding elementThe relation is moved to the last position in the container
Change position of preceding elementCustom relation is moved after the newly positioned relation
Add enumeration valueAdd enumeration valueValues are merged, with the custom value placed before the product value
Remove enumeration valueThe product change is retained
Rename enumeration valueChanges are merged; both custom and renamed product values are retained
Rename enumeration valueRename enumeration valueCustom name is retained
Change enumeration orderKeep or change enumeration orderCustom order is retained
Change "Mandatory" settingChange "Mandatory" settingCustom value (Y/N) is retained